Script Library: 1238 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "Rebol Code colorizer" Date: 20-Jan-2009/3:05:02+1:00 Name: "Rebol Code colorizer" Version: 0.9.5 File: %code-colorizer.r Author: "David 'Oldes' Oliva" Email: %oliva--david--seznam--cz Home: Owner: none Rights: none Needs: none Tabs: none encoding: 'cp1250 Usage: [ code-colorizer/remove-parens?: off code-colorizer/footer-final: { <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">_uacct = "UA-1886645-1";urchinTracker();</script>} colorize/save/title %code-colorizer.r %code-colorizer.html "Rebol Code Colorizer" ] Purpose: {To convert Rebol script into html with colorized code. Using string based parsing.} Comment: { To change colors, download this CSS style: modify it and use it (change code-colorizer/css-file to your new version) } History: [ 0.9.5 20-Jan-2009 { - Using hash! table to get word's classes instead of parse rules - Using <i> tags instead of <span> - Updated 'seo-name function - Fixed special char! notation like #"^(60)" } 0.9.2 12-Mar-2008 { - Fixed bug with single escape character in string ( "^^" ) } 0.9.1 8-Mar-2008 { - Fixed bug with conversion of REBOL word to url - Added new color class .iss for issue! datatype. } 0.9.0 28-Sep-2007 { Complete remake of the script using string based parsing (besause of recursions limits in the old code)} 0.0.1 29-Oct-2003 { %colorize-rswf.r script inspired by Carl's %color-code.r file but was designed to colorize using CSS classes instead of font tags } ] Language: none Type: none Content: none library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: [tool] domain: [html parse text-processing visualization web] tested-under: none support: none license: 'public-domain see-also: none ] ; preprocess: true ; require: [ ; rs-project 'seo-name ; ] ] ;### Seo-name comment { #### RS include: %seo-name.r #### Title: "seo-name" ----} unless value? 'seo-name [ seo-name: func [ "Creates SEO friendly version of string with diacritics" str /local new normal-chars trans-chars other-char pos pos2 ][ was-type?: type? str new: lowercase copy as-string str normal-chars: charset [#"A" - #"Z" #"a" - #"z" #"0" - #"9" #"_" #"."] trans-chars: charset "뚜" other-char: complement (union normal-chars trans-chars) parse/all new [ some [ some normal-chars | some [ pos: [ ["" | "" | ""] (change pos "e") | ["" | ""] (change pos "s") | ["" | "" | ""] (change pos "c") | ["" | ""] (change pos "r") | ["" | ""] (change pos "z") | "" (change pos "y") | "" (change pos "i") | ["" | ""] (change pos "o") | ["" | ""] (change pos "a") | ["" | "" | ""] (change pos "u") | "" (change pos "d") | "" (change pos "t") | "" (change pos "n") ] ] | some other-char pos2: (pos2: change/part pos "-" pos2) :pos2 ] ] to was-type? head new ] ] comment "---- end of RS include %seo-name.r ----" ;### Code-colorizer code-colorizer: context [ ;## Default settings remove-parens?: off ;removes parens from code (used to document big parsing rules) remove-newline-comments?: on ;removes all comments which start at newline index-comments?: on ;creates index from special comments break-on-error?: on ;stops parsing if founds invalid code out: str: x: none output?: true level-block: level-paren: level-string: 0 string-type: none string-buffer: make string! 10000 index-html: make string! 1000 index-type: none css-file: footer-final: none ;using this to add final note (for example counter) on HTML page ;## Basic charsets ;** These charsets are used in string based parse in Colorize function ch_word-dividers: charset " ^-^/^M{}[]()^"^^;" ch_newlines: charset "^/^M" ch_space: charset " ^-" ch_spaces: charset " ^-^/^M" ch_numbers: charset "0123456789" ch_binary2: charset "01" ch_alpha: charset [#"a" - #"z" #"A" - #"Z"] ch_hexadecimal: charset [#"a" - #"f" #"A" - #"F" "0123456789"] ch_tonewline: complement ch_newlines ch_word: complement ch_word-dividers ch_anychar: complement charset "" ch_alphanum: union ch_alpha ch_numbers ch_base64: union ch_alphanum union charset "+/=" ch_spaces ;## Rules used for parsing rl_integer: [some ch_numbers] rl_word: [some ch_word] rl_binary2: [ "2#{" any [8 [ch_binary2 any ch_spaces]] "}"] rl_binary32: [ "#{" any [2 [ch_alphanum any ch_spaces]] "}"] rl_binary64: ["64#{" any ch_base64 "}"] rl_binary: [ rl_binary2 | rl_binary32 | rl_binary64 | ["#{" | "2#{" | "64#{"] ( if level-string = 0 [ print ["!!! Invalid binary --" copy/part str 20] print [level-string level-block level-paren] if break-on-error? [break] ] ) ] rl_pair: [some ch_numbers #"x" some ch_numbers] rl_char: [ {#"} ["^^(" 2 ch_hexadecimal #")" | #"^^" 1 ch_anychar | 1 ch_anychar ] {"} ] ;** These are groups with words used in Rebol rl_comparison: [ "<=" "<>" "<" "==" "=?" "=" ">" ">=" "equal?" "greater-or-equal?" "greater?" "lesser-or-equal?" "lesser?" "maximum-of" "minimum-of" "not-equal?" "same?" "sign?" "strict-equal?" "strict-not-equal?" ] rl_context: ["alias" "bind" "context" "get" "in" "set" "unset" "use" "value?"] rl_control: [ "all" "any" "opt" "attempt" "break" "catch" "compose" "disarm" "dispatch" "do-events" "does" "either" "else" "exit" "forall" "foreach" "for" "forever" "forskip" "func" "function" "halt" "has" "if" "launch" "loop" "next" "quit" "reduce" "remove-each" "repeat" "return" "secure" "switch" "throw" "try" "until" "wait" "while" "do" ] rl_help: [ "?" "??" "about" "comment" "dump-face" "dump-obj" "help" "license" "probe" "source" "trace" "usage" "what" ] rl_logic: [ "all" "and" "any" "complement" "found?" "not" "or" "random" "xor" "on" "off" "true" "false" "none" ] rl_math: [ "**" "*" "+" "-" "//" "/" "abs" "absolute" "add" "and" "arccosine" "arcsine" "arctangent" "complement" "cosine" "divide" "even?" "exp" "log-10" "log-2" "log-e" "maximum-of" "maximum" "max" "min" "minimum" "minimum-of" "multiply" "negate" "negative?" "not" "odd?" "or" "positive?" "power" "random" "remainder" "sign?" "sine" "square-root" "subtract" "tangent" "xor" "zero?" ] rl_io: [ "ask" "change-dir" "clean-path" "close" "confirm" "connected?" "delete" "dir?" "dirize" "dispatch" "do" "echo" "exists?" "get-modes" "info?" "input" "input?" "list-dir" "load" "make-dir" "modified?" "open" "pick" "poke" "prin" "print" "query" "read" "read-io" "rename" "resend" "save" "script?" "secure" "send" "set-modes" "set-net" "size?" "split-path" "suffix?" "to-local-file" "to-rebol-file" "update" "wait" "what-dir" "write-io" "write" ] rl_series: [ "alter" "append" "array" "at" "back" "change" "clear" "copy" "difference" "empty?" "exclude" "extract" "fifth" "find" "first" "found?" "fourth" "free" "head?" "head" "index?" "insert" "intersect" "join" "last" "length?" "load" "maximum-of" "minimum-of" "offset?" "parse" "pick" "poke" "random" "rejoin" "remove" "remove-each" "repend" "replace" "reverse" "second" "select" "skip" "sort" "switch" "tail?" "tail" "third" "union" "unique" ] rl_dataset: [ "alter" "charset" "difference" "exclude" "extract" "intersect" "union" "unique" ] rl_specialstring: [ "build-tag" "checksum" "clean-path" "compress" "debase" "decode-cgi" "decompress" "dehex" "detab" "dirize" "enbase" "entab" "find" "form" "import-email" "lowercase" "mold" "parse-xml" "reform" "rejoin" "remold" "split-path" "suffix?" "trim" "uppercase" ] rl_system: [ "browse" "component?" "link?" "now" "protect" "protect-system" "recycle" "unprotect" "upgrade" ] rl_datatype: [ "any-block?" "any-function?" "any-string?" "any-type?" "any-word?" "as-pair" "binary?" "bitset?" "block?" "char?" "construct" "datatype?" "date?" "decimal?" "dump-obj" "email?" "error?" "event?" "file?" "function?" "get-word?" "hash?" "image?" "integer?" "issue?" "library?" "list?" "lit-path?" "lit-word?" "logic?" "make" "money?" "native?" "none?" "number?" "object?" "op?" "pair?" "paren?" "path?" "port?" "refinement?" "routine?" "series?" "set-path?" "set-word?" "string?" "struct?" "tag?" "time?" "to-binary" "to-bitset" "to-block" "to-char" "to-date" "to-decimal" "to-email" "to-file" "to-get-word" "to-hash" "to-hex" "to-idate" "to-image" "to-integer" "to-issue" "to-list" "to-lit-path" "to-lit-word" "to-logic" "to-money" "to-pair" "to-paren" "to-path" "to-refinement" "to-set-path" "to-set-word" "to-string" "to-tag" "to-time" "to-tuple" "to-url" "to-word" "tuple?" "type?" "unset?" "url?" "word?" "to" ] rl_view: [ "alert" "as-pair" "brightness?" "caret-to-offset" "center-face" "choose" "clear-fields" "do-events" "dump-face" "flash" "focus" "hide-popup" "hide" "in-window?" "inform" "layout" "link?" "load-image" "make-face" "offset-to-caret" "request-color" "request" "request-date" "request-download" "request-file" "request-list" "request-pass" "request-text" "show-popup" "show" "size-text" "span?" "stylize" "unfocus" "unview" "viewed?" "view" "within?" ] word-classes: copy [] foreach [group class] reduce [ rl_comparison 'kw2 rl_context 'kw3 rl_control 'kw4 rl_help 'kw5 rl_logic 'kw6 rl_math 'kw7 rl_io 'kw8 rl_series 'kw9 rl_dataset 'kw10 rl_specialstring 'kw11 rl_system 'kw12 rl_datatype 'kw13 rl_view 'kw14 ][ foreach word group [repend word-classes [word class] ] ] word-classes: make hash! word-classes ;## escape-html escape-html: func[data][ data: to string! reduce data foreach [from to] [ "&" "&amp;" "<" "&lt;" ">" "&gt;"][ replace/all data from to ] data ] ;## emit emit: func [data /class cl /html] [ ;print ["EMIT:" mold data cl (mold copy/part str 5)] case [ level-string > 0 [ append string-buffer data ] output? [ repend out either class [ [ {<i class=} cl {>} escape-html data "</i>" ] ][ either html [data][ escape-html data ] ] ] ] ] ;## add-index-comment add-index-comment: func[x /local st n][ parse/all x [ [ "###" (st: 'co2) | "##" (st: 'co3) | "**" (st: 'co4) | "*" (st: 'co5) | "-" (st: 'co6) ] copy x some ch_tonewline ( if st = 'co3 [ ;use only content to paren parse/all x [copy x to "(" to end] ] case [ st = 'co2 [ append index-html rejoin [ case [ none? index-type ["<ol class=index>"] ;index-type <> 'co2 ["</ol>^/"] all [ not empty? index-html #"," = last index-html ][ remove back tail index-html] true [""] ] {<li class=co2><a href="#m_} n: seo-name x: trim/head/tail x {" class=a1>} x {</a>} ] append out rejoin [{<a name="m_} n {"></a>}] index-type: 'co2 ] st = 'co3 [ append index-html rejoin [ ;either index-type = 'co2 ["^/<ol class=co3>^/"][""] ;{^-<li class=co3><a href="#s_} n: seo-name x {">} x {</a>} {^/<a href="#s_} n: seo-name x: trim/head/tail x {" class=a2>} x {</a>,} ] append out rejoin [{<a name="s_} n {"></a>}] index-type: 'co3 ] ] emit/class join ";" x st ) ] ] ;## colorize set 'colorize func[source /save outfile /title ttl /local source-file text x tmp][ text: either any [file? source url? source][ source-file: source read/binary source ][ source ] out: make string! 3 * length? text level-block: level-paren: level-string: 0 string-type: index-type: none clear string-buffer clear index-html loop 1 [ ;<-- to be able break parsing parse/all detab text [ any [ str: ;(print [">>>" mold copy/part str 10]) #"^^" [ #"^^" (emit "^^^^") | #"(" some ch_hexadecimal #")" x: ( emit/class copy/part str x 'ch ) | #"{" ( case [ level-string = 0 [ emit #"^^" string-type: #"{" level-string: 1 emit #"{" ] true [ emit "^^{" ] ] ) | #"^"" ( case [ level-string = 0 [ emit #"^^" string-type: #"^"" level-string: 1 emit {"} ] true [ emit {^^"} ] ] ) | (emit #"^^") ] | copy x rl_char (emit/class x 'ch ) | {"} ( either level-string = 0 [ string-type: #"^"" level-string: level-string + 1 emit {"} ][ emit {"} if string-type = #"^"" [ level-string: 0 string-type: none emit/class string-buffer 'st0 clear string-buffer ] ] ) | copy x rl_binary (emit/class x 'bi0) | copy x rl_word ( case [ #":" = last x [emit/class x 'sw] #"!" = last x [emit/class x 'dt] parse/case x ["REBOL"][ emit/html {<a href="">REBOL</a>} ] true [ ;probe x either tmp: select word-classes x [ emit/class x tmp ][ parse x [ rl_pair (emit/class x 't1) | some ch_numbers (emit/class x 'nu0) | #"#" to end (emit/class x 'iss) | [#"%" | "http://" | "ftp://" | "https://"] to end (emit/class x 'fl) | #"'" to end (emit/class x 'lw) | (emit x) ] ] ] ] ) | #"[" ( level-block: level-block + 1 either level-string > 0 [ emit #"[" ][ emit/class #"[" 'br0 ] ) | #"]" ( level-block: level-block - 1 either level-string > 0 [ emit #"]" ][ emit/class #"]" 'br0 ] ) | #"(" ( if remove-parens? [ output?: off ] level-paren: level-paren + 1 either level-string > 0 [ emit #"(" ][ emit/class #"(" 'br0 ] ) | #")" ( either level-string > 0 [ emit #")" ][ emit/class #")" 'br0 ] if 0 = (level-paren: level-paren - 1) [output?: on] ) | #"{" ( either level-string = 0 [ emit/class #"{" 'br1 string-type: #"{" ][ emit #"{" ] if string-type = #"{" [ level-string: level-string + 1 ] ) | #"}" ( either string-type = #"{" [ level-string: level-string - 1 either level-string = 0 [ emit/class string-buffer 'st0 emit/class #"}" 'br1 string-type: none clear string-buffer ][ emit #"}" ] ][ emit #"}" ] ) | #";" copy x [any ch_space any ch_tonewline] new: ( if none? x [x: ""] either level-string = 0 [ case [ all [ index-comments? add-index-comment x ] none all [remove-newline-comments? (find ch_newlines first back str)][ ;remove this comment from output with the newline as well parse/all new [some ch_newlines new: to end] ] true [ emit/class join ";" x 'co1 ] ] ][ emit #";" new: next str ] ) :new | copy x some ch_newlines ( either string-type = #"^"" [ print ["!!! Invalid string --" mold copy/part string-buffer 20] if break-on-error? [break] ][ emit x ] ) | copy x some ch_spaces (emit x) () ] ( if level-string > 0 [print ["!!! Invalid string!" level-string mold string-type] ] if break-on-error? [break] ) ] ] if not empty? index-html [append index-html "</ol>"] if save [ write/binary outfile rejoin [ {<html><head>} {<LINK rel="stylesheet" href="} css-file {"/>} {<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1250">} {<title>} any [ttl "a Rebol code"] {</title>} {</head>^/} {<body bgcolor="#ffffff">} {<div class=header>} either title [rejoin ["<h1>" ttl "</h1>"]][""] either none? source-file [""][ rejoin [ {Source: <b><a href="} source-file {">} last split-path source-file {</a></b> modified: <b>} modified? source-file {</b>} ] ] either remove-parens? ["<div style='color:#F00;'>Parens were removed from the source!</div>"][""] {</div>^/} index-html {<pre class=rebol>} out {</pre>^/} {<div class=footer>Generated } now { by <a href="">%code-colorizer.r</a> Rebol script</div>} any [footer-final ""] {</body></html>} ] ] out ] ] ;print colorize/save %test-code.txt %test.html ;colorize/save %code-colorizer.r %test.html ;code-colorizer/remove-parens?: off ;code-colorizer/footer-final: { ;<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> ;<script type="text/javascript">_uacct = "UA-1886645-1";urchinTracker();</script>} ;colorize/save/title ; %code-colorizer.r ; %code-colorizer.html ; "Rebol Code Colorizer" ;colorize/save/title ; to-rebol-file "I:\rebol\rs\projects-rswf\rswf\new\swf-tag-rules_enczes.rb" ; %rswf-main-rules-full-code.html ; "Rebol/Flash Dialect (RSWF) main rules" ;### Test code comment [ ;some code to test if it works {str{nasted} and escaped ^{} "^^" "^(1f)" multilined-string: { some text on more lines with code inside: x: sine 1 + 2 } x: sine 1 + 2 ;pair datatype: 320x240 ;char! datatype: #"A" ;with escape: #"^-" = tab ;tuple! datatype: red: 255.0.0 ;tag!: [<tag> 'hello </tag>] ;valid word with escape char word^s "string escaped^" char " ;test to image! #{} #{1 2} 64#{Eg==} 2#{00000000} ;issue #FF0000 ;red table: [ q0: "# # L" q0 "1 1 L" q0 "+ 1 R" q1 q1: "1 1 R" q1 "# # L" q2 q2: "1 # L" q3 q3: "1 1 L" q3 "+ 1 R" q1 "# # R" q4 q4: "1 1 R" q4 "# # R" q5 q5: "# # L" stop ] ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage
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