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Archive version of: quote-node-attributes.r ... version: 6 ... inetw3dm 4-Apr-2021

Amendment note: Added remove-tail-char? function || Publicly available? Yes

        File: %quote-node-attributes.r
        Date: 23-11-2020
        Title: "Dialect Object Model"
        Author: daniel murrill
        Purpose: {
 This script is used on variable values, key value pairs that are written in different syntax styles such as
<tag style = html elem.,xml,css>, objects, arrays, json, rebol series, etc. It will properly format mixed, malformed, 
mixed, key value data found in a DSL that's a  parsed series or loaded by file or Url. It requotes *" "* and 
creates it as a taged node-element for look up in a Dialect Object Model to be used with rebol-DOM functions.
 It's not perfect, it could/should be improved, but it's a beginning. }

library: [
        level: 'intermediate
        platform: 'all
        type: function
        domain: [html vid css json js array]
        tested-under: 'windows
        Author: daniel murrill
        support: none
        license: none
        see-also: %HTML-view.r

;;;;;this should use "quote-node-attributes: func [in-node-element] in order to select a
;;;;;paramater to quote-to-tag.

tag-tokens: to-hash [
             style-obj-chars [
                                     "<" "" {style="} " " {style=} " " " : " { "} ": " { "} ":" {*"} 
                                     " " {__} {=""}  " "  "=" {*"} ";" {"*} {""} {"} { "} {"} 
                                     {*"} { "} {"*} {" } " >" "" ">" "" "rgb" "" {__"} {"} {" "} {"}

remove-tail-char?: func [in-node-element element][=: :equal?
				  if element = char: back tail trim/tail in-node-element [remove trim/tail char]

quote-node-attributes: does [with-these-attributes: copy ""

remove-tail-char? in-node-element </>

this-node: find/match in-node-element node-name: first parse/all in-node-element { =">}

replace/all this-node {:"} {"}
replace/all this-node {,} " "

if find/any this-node "style=" [	
	parse/all this-node [[to {style="} | to "style="]  copy style-obj [thru {;" } | thru {;">} | thru {;>} | thru {;"} | thru {" }  | thru {>} | to end](*style.node: copy style-obj
	foreach [style-chars found-with-in] tag-tokens/style-obj-chars [replace/all *style.node style-chars found-with-in]
	replace this-node style-obj *style.node
	replace node-name "<" ""	
	;replace/all this-node {=""} {=null}
	replace/all this-node "://" "&&"	

foreach part replace/all this-node: parse/all this-node {<{} "=:;[]>} [""] [] [
							part: any [if find/match part "'" [
									   replace/all part "'" ""
							;replace part {,} " "
							replace/all part {__} " " 
							replace/all part "&&" "://"
                                                        replace part {=null} {=""}
                                                        append with-these-attributes mold part  
create-tag-element: func [these-attr][
			in-attribute-blk: to-block these-attr 
			foreach [attr-name attr-value] in-attribute-blk [
			replace in-attribute-blk attr-name to-word attr-name
			attempt [trim attr-value]
			attempt [insert in-attribute-blk to-word node-name]
			data-node: build-tag in-attribute-blk  

with-these-attributes: copy ""

;In the DOM everything grouped is a node. individual key value pairs are elements of a group.
;so we are *in a *node to requote *elements 

;How to use:          "this is a node full of messed up elements from a bad robot."

in-node-element: {p "color":= "#0000ff" bgcolor="yellow",, "width" : "399" "height":"100", "font-styles" : "big" 
                              style={"color: green; bgcolor: purple;"}

quote-node-attributes create-tag-element with-these-attributes


;change "quote-node-attributes: does" to "quote-node-attributes: func [in-node-element]"