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Archive version of: file-requester.r ... version: 1 ... luce80 9-Sep-2012

Amendment note: new script || Publicly available? Yes

	Title: "Open a file or directory requester"
	Date: 09-09-2012
	Version: 1.0.1
	File: %file-requester.r
	Author: "Marco Antoniazzi"
	Purpose: "Requests a file or directory"
	eMail: [luce80 AT libero DOT it]
	History: [
		0.0.1 [02-09-2012 "First version"]
		1.0.0 [08-09-2012 "Finished"]
		1.0.1 [09-09-2012 "Minor fixes"]
	Note: { Filters can be in the form: "*.a" or "*.a;*.b" or "Short description (*.a)" or "Short description (*.a;*.b)" or
		a block of such strings
	Category: [util vid files]
	library: [
		level: 'intermediate
		platform: 'all
		type: 'function
		domain: [gui files]
		tested-under: [View]
		support: none
		license: 'LGPL2
		see-also: none
	comment: "2-Sep-2012 GUI automatically generated by VID_build. Author: Marco Antoniazzi"

file-req: context [
	; files, filter, new folder, drop-list
		suffix?: func [
			{Return the suffix (ext) of a filename or url, else tail of it.} 
			path [any-string!]
		    either all [
		        suff: find/last path #"." 
		        not find suff #"/"
		    ] [suff] [tail path]

		dir?: func [file [file!]] [#"/" = last file]

		is-link?: func [file [file!] /local str] [ ; WARNING: THIS IS A DIRTY HACK!
			if all [
				equal? suffix? file %.lnk
				System/version/4 = 3 ;Win
				attempt [str: read file]
				equal? head str find str #{4C000000} 
			] [str]
		parent-dir: func [file [file!]] [
			if equal? length? file 1 [return %/]
			file: head remove back tail dirize file
			head remove/part find/tail/last file %/ tail file
		online?: does [not error? try [close open tcp://]]

		gather-each: func ['word [word!] data [series!] body [block!] /into result [block!]] [;collect
			result: any [result copy []]
			forskip data 1 [set word first data if do body [insert tail result first data]]
			head result

		filter_and_sort: func [list [block!] /local temp-list filters par temp-dir-list temp-files-list] [
			temp-dir-list: copy list
			remove-each item temp-dir-list [not dir? item]
			sort temp-dir-list
			if only-dirs [return temp-dir-list]

			; apply filters
			filters: copy get-face choice-filter
			if par: find filters "(" [filters: next par]
			if par: find filters ")" [clear par]
			filters: parse filters ";"
			temp-list: copy []
			filtering-list: copy list
			forall filters [
				gather-each/into item filtering-list [found? find/any/match item first filters] temp-list

			temp-files-list: copy temp-list
			remove-each item temp-files-list [dir? item]
			sort temp-files-list

			clear temp-list
			insert temp-files-list temp-dir-list
		add_folder: func [/local name][
			name: request-text/title/default/offset "Enter the new folder name below" "New folder" btn-+/offset - 240x-46
			unless none? name [attempt [make-dir path-name/:name replace_file-list path-name]]
		build_path-tree: func [/local path-tree paths n] [
			path-tree: copy []
			insert path-tree read %/
			remove-each item path-tree [error? try [read/part join %/ item 1]]
			forall path-tree [change path-tree to-local-file first path-tree]

			paths: parse/all path-name "/"
			paths: next next paths
			n: 0
			forall paths [insert/dup first paths " " n: n + 2]
			insert next find path-tree second head paths paths
			head path-tree
		show_drop-list: func [face [object!]] [
			paths-list/data: build_path-tree
			show paths-list/update
			show-popup/window/away paths-lay face/parent-face
		select_folder: func [dir [string!] /local path] [
			path: find/tail copy path-name dirize trim dir
			dir: either path [dirize head clear path][to-file rejoin ["/" dir "/"]]
			if replace_file-list dir [add_to_undo-list]
	; update, undo

		update_list: func [] [
			file-list: filter_and_sort orig-file-list

			clear list-of-files/data
			clear list-of-files/picked
			; update and redraw file names text-list
			append list-of-files/data file-list
			set-face list-of-files/sld 0
			do-face list-of-files/sld none
			show list-of-files/update

		replace_file-list: func [dir-name [file! none!] /local temp-dir-list] [
			if error? try [temp-dir-list: read dir-name] [alert "Can not read directory, please verify that the name is correct" return false]
			focus list-of-files ; to unfocus fields
			old-path-name: path-name
			path-name: dir-name
			clear orig-file-list
			orig-file-list: copy temp-dir-list
			set-face info-path to-local-file dir-name
		select_line: func [ /local path str] [
			if empty? path: get-face list-of-files [exit]
			path: last path
			case [
				dir? path [
					if replace_file-list path-name/:path [add_to_undo-list]
				str: is-link? path-name/:path [ ; WARNING: THIS IS A DIRTY HACK!
					str: back find/any/last str "?:" ; find a: b: c: etc. drive letters
					str: trim/with/all mold copy/part str find str #{00000000} "{^^@}" ; trim 0s
					if replace_file-list dirize to-rebol-file str [add_to_undo-list]
				'else [
					unless empty? list-of-files/picked [set-face field-selected list-of-files/picked]

		add_to_undo-list: does [
			insert undo-list old-path-name
		undo: does [
			if empty? undo-list [exit]
			insert redo-list path-name
			path-name: take undo-list
			replace_file-list path-name
		redo: does [
			if empty? redo-list [exit]
			insert undo-list path-name
			path-name: take redo-list
			replace_file-list path-name
	; gui
		tip*: any [
			attempt [load %simple-tooltip-style.r]
			attempt [if online? [load]]
		if tip* [clear back back tail tip*] ; remove example code
		do tip*
		file-req-styles: stylize [
			arrow: arrow feel [
				over-super: :over
				over: func [face action event][
					over-super face action event
					remove/part find face/effect 'gradient 4
					if action [
						insert face/effect [gradient 0x-1 white orange]
					show face
			choice: choice white - 20  font [style: none size: 11 colors: [0.0.0 255.150.55] shadow: none] edge [size: 1x1]
			dir-list: text-list 500x200 with [
				update: func [/local tot-rows visible-rows] [
					tot-rows: length? data visible-rows: lc
					sld/redrag visible-rows / max 1 tot-rows
					either visible-rows >= tot-rows [
						sld/step: 0.0
						sld/step: 1 / (tot-rows - visible-rows)
				append init [
					sld/action: func [face value] [ ;patched
						if sn = value: max 0 to-integer value * ((length? slf/data) - lc) [exit] ; I always hated that "1 +" !
						sn: value
						show sub-area
					iter/feel: make iter/feel [
						redraw-super: :redraw
						redraw: func [f a i /local fil] [
							redraw-super f a i
							fil: to-file iter/text
							iter/font/color: case [
								dir? fil [blue]
								is-link? path-name/:fil [blue]
								true [black]
							iter/font/style: either dir? fil ['bold][[]]
						engage-super: :engage
						engage: func [face action event /local fil] [
							engage-super face action event
							if event/double-click [
								fil: to-file iter/text
								either dir? fil [
									do-face face none
									if not empty? get-face field-selected [hide-popup]
		req-win: layout [
			do [sp: 4x4] origin sp space sp 
			styles file-req-styles
			style btn btn 24x24 
			btn "<" [undo] help "Back to previous folder"
			btn ">" [redo] help "Forward"
			btn "^^"  [
				if not none? path-name [
					replace_file-list parent-dir path-name
			] help "Go up one folder"
			style field field white white edge [color: gray + 30 effect: 'ibevel size: 1x1] 
			info-path: field 389 [if replace_file-list dirize to-rebol-file face/text [add_to_undo-list]]
			pad (sp * -1x0 - 23x-1) 
			arrow-d: arrow down white 22x22 edge none [show_drop-list face] help "Select a parent directory"
			pad 0x-1
			btn-+: btn "+" 252.223.44 [add_folder] help "Create a new folder"
			list-of-files: dir-list 500x200 [select_line]
			field-selected: field 336
			pad 0x2 
			text-filter: text "Filter:" 
			pad 0x-2 
			choice-filter: choice "All files (*.*)" "Rebol files (*.r)" 120  [replace_file-list path-name]
			pad 296x10 
			btn-ok: btn "Select" 100x24 [cancelled: false hide-popup]
			btn-cancel: btn "Cancel" 100 #"^[" [set-face field-selected "" cancelled: true hide-popup]
		remove find req-win/pane list-of-files
		insert tail req-win/pane list-of-files ; put on top
		req-win/user-data: reduce ['size req-win/size]
		req-win/options: [resize min-size 500x300]
		if tip* [Add-tooltip-2-faces req-win]

		paths-lay: layout/offset [
			origin 0x0 at 0x0
			paths-list: text-list (info-path/size * 1x0 + 0x200) [select_folder value]
		] info-path/offset + (info-path/size * 0x1)

		rezize-faces: func [siz [pair!]] [
			foreach [face pair] reduce [
				arrow-d 1x0
				btn-+ 1x0
				field-selected 0x1
				text-filter 1x1
				choice-filter 1x1
				btn-ok 1x1
				btn-cancel 1x1
			][face/offset: face/offset + (siz * pair)]
			foreach [face pair] reduce [
				info-path 1x0
				field-selected 1x0
				paths-lay 1x0
			][face/size: face/size + (siz * pair)]
			foreach [face pair] reduce [
				list-of-files 1x1
				paths-list 1x0
			][face/resize face/size + (siz * pair)]
		req-win/feel: make req-win/feel [
			detect: func [face event /local siz][
				switch event/type [
					close [set-face field-selected "" cancelled: true  hide-popup return none]
					scroll-line [either event/offset/y >= 0 [scroll-drag list-of-files/sld] [scroll-drag/back list-of-files/sld] ]
					resize [ 
						siz: face/size - face/user-data/size     ; compute size difference
						face/user-data/size: face/size          ; store new size

						rezize-faces siz
						show face
				system/view/window-feel/detect face event ; deal with key presses
	; main
		path-name: what-dir
		orig-file-list: ; the unsorted file list
		file-list: [] ; the sorted file list
		undo-list: copy []
		redo-list: copy []
		only-dirs: false
		set 'request_file func [
			"Requests a file using a popup list of files and directories."
			/title "Change heading on request."
				title-line "Title line of request"
				button-text "Button text for selection"
			/file name "Default file name"; or block of file names"
			/filter filt "Filter or block of filters"
			/keep "Keep previous settings and results"
			/only "Return only a single file, not a block." ;not implemented (but is default behaviour)
			;/path "Return absolute path followed by relative files." ;not implemented
			/save "Request file for saving, otherwise loading."
			/local result
			req-win/text: any [title-line "Select a File:"]
			field-selected/text: any [name ""]
			if filt [
				filt: compose [(filt)]
				if not find form filt "*.*" [insert tail filt "All files (*.*)"]
				choice-filter/text: first choice-filter/data: choice-filter/texts: filt
			btn-ok/text: any [button-text either save ["Save"]["Select"]]
			if only-dirs [list-of-files/resize list-of-files/size - 0x30]

			only-dirs: false
			replace_file-list path-name

			show-popup req-win

			if none? keep [ ; restore defaults
				choice-filter/text: first choice-filter/data: choice-filter/texts: ["All files (*.*)" "Rebol files (*.r)"]
				path-name: what-dir
			result: get-face field-selected
			if "" = result [return none]
			to-file result
		set 'request_dir func [
			"Requests a directory using a popup list."
			/title "Change heading on request." title-line
			/dir "Set starting directory" where [file!]
			/keep "Keep previous directory path"
			/offset xy [pair!]
			/local offs result
			req-win/text: any [title-line "Select a directory:"]
			if offset [offs: req-win/offset req-win/offset: xy]
			if not only-dirs [list-of-files/resize list-of-files/size + 0x30]

			only-dirs: true
			replace_file-list any [where path-name]

			show-popup req-win

			if cancelled [return none]
			result: path-name
			if none? keep [ ; restore defaults
				req-win/offset: offs
				path-name: what-dir

;comment [
do [
probe request_file/title/filter "gimme file" "Load" ["*.r; *.c" "files (*.s ; *.t)"]
probe request_dir/title/offset "gimme dir" 100x100
probe request_file/title "gimme file again" "Load"