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63 scripts tagged as: [type  ·  tutorial]

Natural numbers sum
nutural-numbers-sum.r1.0 KB
27 Sep 2014
Sums all the natural numbers up to a given input. Uses the equality: 1 + 2 + 3 +... + n = n*(n+1)/2 to avoid looping.
author: Caridorc
Get Patent
5.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
Downloads various types of patents from the server. Normally espace forces you to download the patents one page at a time. This script gets all of the pages for you automatically. Shows various progress bars and time estimates. There may be patents that this does not get because I can not find any documentation on how l2.espacenet encodes its URL's. If you [...]
author: Bob Paddock and Astrid Sindle
Presentation viewer
presenter.r17.6 KB
3 Nov 2011
Display a little power-point-like slide show, where the slides are read from a text file and consist of VID code describing each slide. It could be used by someone who wants to give a simple slide show without attacking a more useful, but also more complicated, presentation program.
author: Steven White
Presenting Text In Columns
4.5 KB
22 Jul 2006
The script hi-lights a method of presenting text in columns.
author: r.v.d.Zee
Progress Bar With Read-thru
4.4 KB
18 May 2006
Progress Bar With Read-thru was written to provide a simple progress bar script to the REBOL library. When using REBOL's internal read-thru function, only 5 lines are required to update a progress bar - see note 2. Read-thru is used to download a file to the disk cache - and to provide the data to move the progress bar. The method used to retrieve the downloaded [...]
author: R.v.d.Zee
Raging Bull page downloader
raging-bull.r2.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
This script reads sequential pages from the Raging-Bull on-line bulletin board.
author: Jim Goodnow II
random-org.r900 bytes
17 Jun 2008
Get really random numbers (come from atmospheric noise) from
author: [unknown]
rebcannon.r5.2 KB
16 Dec 2012
icon for rebcannon.r[no purpose header found]
author: Massimiliano Vessi
RebGUI and RebDB Sample
17.6 KB
3 Jul 2007
A quick demonstration of RebGUI with RebDB
author: Brian Tiffin
Rebol users
4.0 KB
23 May 2011
icon for rebolusers.rShow rebol users faces!!!
author: Massimiliano Vessi
A keyword based search engine for the Rebtutorial articles index page
14.6 KB
14 Dec 2009
Was tired looking up visually the index page for any article containing a specific keyword. For now the script loads and parses the original articles' index page duirectly from the web site, splitting URL links apart from their descriptions, and while counting them it appends them to a block that can be searched by keyword. [...]
author: Gerard Cote
Regset - Regular expression convertor to bitset!
2.1 KB
31 May 2007
Make bitset from simple regex-like dialect.
author: Boleslav Brezovsky
Round Function
round-2.r975 bytes
23 Jul 2004
A function to round a number
author: Marco
Read a Remote Payment and Presentation System file
rpps.r14.4 KB
7 Nov 2011
This is a module for reading and taking apart a modified NACHA file used in the Remote Payment and Presentation System. If those terms mean anything, this could be a useful module. If those terms mean nothing, then at least this module could be an example of a way to handle a text file of fixed-format records. In 25 words or less, a [...]
author: Steven White
Scrolling Fields
9.5 KB
27 Mar 2006
This script illustrates the use of fields and a scroller to display data. Similar to a text-list, scrolling fields provides greater control over the presentation of data.
author: R.v.d.Zee
Scrolling layout demo
scrollinglayout.r22.7 KB
7 Feb 2013
This is a demo of making a sub-layout, on a main window, that is too big for the main window and can be scrolled. It was adapted from the REBOL cookbook and heavily annotated as an aid in learning how the scroller works.
author: Steven White with help from Carl and MaxV
11.2 KB
28 Jul 2006
funcions that allows send and receive SMS by GSM modem
author: Janeks Kamerovskis
6.3 KB
25 Nov 2010
REBOL File packer
author: Boleslav Brezovsky, based on rip.r by Carl Sassenrath/Cal Dixon
Style Scrollable scroll-pane & table avec gestion de la roullette
24.2 KB
4 Oct 2005
Essai de gestion des scrolls & de tables
author: Claude RAMIER
Simple substring function - with the addition of error message to prevent 'none' shown
substr.r1.6 KB
15 Dec 2003
Working around string series
author: Yosef H. da Iry
Simple substring function - returns empty when outside boundery
substring.r861 bytes
3 Feb 2004
Working around string series
author: Hein Hoenjet
10.8 KB
21 Dec 2011
icon for supercalculator.rScientific calculator in Rebol!
author: Massimiliano Vessi
Superenalotto extractor
2.9 KB
7 Jul 2009
Simple random number generator.
author: Massimiliano Vessi
11.9 KB
4 Oct 2012
icon for supermastermind.rThe old clasic game Mastermind
author: Massimiliano Vessi
SVN Version
1.5 KB
4 Oct 2010
Retrieve the global revision number from a local SVN repository. This mimics the feature offered by the svnversion command-line tool See: This can be used in PREBOL (or other scripts preprocessors) to insert the SVN global revision number as a build version.
author: Nenad Rakocevic
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