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tag index: p · platform

46 scripts tagged as: [platform  ·  windows]

better-than-nothing sqlite3 handler
5.7 KB
30 Jan 2006
easy access to sqlite3 database without /Pro or /Command features
author: Piotr Gapinski
Synchronizable Calendar/Scheduler
1.4 KB
18 Oct 2013
Easy-to-use Calendar/Scheduler that can be synchronized over a network, and has popup-alerts.
author: Izkata
Can Rebol Print?
13.4 KB
12 Oct 2008
This script illustrate some possible methods of printing script output.
author: mr.z
Cisco config to text file
cisco-extract.r25.4 KB
5 Jul 2009
To read multiple Cisco IOS & CATOS files & create a summary of key information paticularly interface details
author: [unknown]
7.8 KB
27 Feb 2006
Installs a tray icon (Windows only) and collects small text snippets.
author: Gabriele Santilli
Test double-click
828 bytes
5 Apr 2006
View testing
author: Ph. Le Goff
Beware the Entity
entity.r0.9 KB
18 Oct 2013
Little creature that runs around faces playing around
author: Izkata
Eztwain Support
2.5 KB
6 May 2006
Support image grabs from webcam using commercial eztwain library.
author: Graham Chiu
FastCGI Broker
2.6 KB
15 Dec 2005
Rebol script broker for a hooked rebol interpreter launched as a FastCGI application. This is the root script which runs others scripts on request of the FastCGI peer. This enables REBOL/Core or REBOL/View to act as a FastCGI application without the need for REBOL/Command. This script only works on Windows with a patched REBOL interpreter. Details available at [...]
author: Pascal Hurni
FF3 ZSNES Saved state editor
ff3edit.r10.0 KB
4 Mar 2004
A tool to edit saved state files for Final Fantasy 3 as created by the ZSNES emulator
author: Cal Dixon
file-date-comparison-ctx.r3.3 KB
21 May 2007
Compare file dates using a dialect
author: Gregg Irwin
Get Windows Version
2.4 KB
23 Sep 2003
Shows how to call Windows GetVersonEx function.
author: Gregg Irwin
Test Dot Graphviz with com2Rebol
1.6 KB
5 Apr 2006
REBOL COM.interfacing with WinGraphviz
author: Ph. Le Goff
UUID Generation Example via Windows SDK
2.0 KB
10 Sep 2005
Command only example of interfacing to Windows SDK to generat UUIDs. Trivial given heavy lifting by others in Rebol community. Acknowledgements to all.
author: David McAvenue
Great Computer Language Shootout : hello
597 bytes
27 Sep 2005
To test startup time in the Great Computer Language Shootout
author: Lok Yek Soon
ImageMagick Support
8.8 KB
23 Aug 2006
Support minimal needs for image processing using ImageMagick MagickWand and MagickCore DLLs Note: DLL's calls tend to change so this is specifically for version 6.2.9 Note: Original uses only MagickCore DLL. This version required MagickWand DLL because they moved the calls to a different DLL
author: Edgar Tolentino
Shared lib example
1.5 KB
1 Jan 2014
This is a simple example of a shared library, written in Red/System.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Load ini file
1.8 KB
18 Sep 2010
Parses a Window's ini file.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
mem-check.r3.3 KB
12 Jan 2005
Checking the memory usage of a process running under Windows
author: Anton Reisacher
Mini virtual and x86 machine dll to speed-up calculations a bit
41.1 KB
24 Feb 2019
speed-up calculations a bit.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
patched HTTP/HTTPS protocol with cookies support
21.8 KB
18 Aug 2006
Provide an HTTP/HTTPS handler that transparently supports cookies
Native requestors
native-requestors.r8.8 KB
15 Jul 2009
Replaces a number of REBOL requestors with native equivalents. Windows requires COMLib.r from REQUESTOR Mac Win alert Y Y confirm Y Y request Y Y request-color Y N request-date N N request-dir Y Y request-download N N request-file N N request-list Y N request-pass Y N request-text Y Y say [...]
author: Ashley G Truter
OpenGL Test
opengl.r22.6 KB
17 Oct 2003
Demonstrate the use of OpenGL in View/Pro on Windows
author: Cal Dixon
Parse ini file
2.2 KB
15 Apr 2009
Parses a Window's ini file. Also a function to find entries in a parsed ini file
author: Sunanda
Patch for the ESMTP handler object and net-utils object
20.3 KB
1 Aug 2005
Patches to fix smtp authentication other than CRAM-MD5 .
author: Cesar Chavez
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