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tag index: l · level

533 scripts tagged as: [level  ·  intermediate]

Visual Illusions Series: Kanizsa's Figures
kanizsa.r2.1 KB
15 Jun 2005
show some visual illusions with rebol (view 1.3)
author: François Jouen
keyboard input sequencer
939 bytes
13 Mar 2003
a replacement for the missing keyboard input sequences table in REBOL/Core User Guide Version 2.3, Appendix C-4
author: viktor pavlu
Keyboard Trener
3.8 KB
25 May 2007
Learn to write rebol words faster without looking at keyboard.
author: Karol Gozlinski
clipboard handler
1.9 KB
18 Feb 2005
Share clipboard between Linux/KDE klipper and Rebol
author: Piotr Gapinski
REBOL External Application Launcher - self extracting archive
21.8 KB
13 Mar 2003
Launches external apps (using the C system() call) from any version of REBOL
author: Cal Dixon
Graphical Layout Editor
1.6 KB
13 Mar 2003
Your basic 1K REBOL graphical object layout editor. Not many features, but a good example of how to drag faces and show nubs.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Library data services
655 bytes
13 Aug 2004
Provides the client end of the Library Data Services interface
author: Sunanda
Led Clock
9.7 KB
11 Oct 2010
A simple demo with leds
author: FrançÂois Jouen
lexigraphic permutations
lexpem.r1.9 KB
26 Oct 2003
to generate permutations of a series in the order they would be found in a dictionary
author: Tom Conlin
Library Interface Dialect
2.4 KB
14 Apr 2006
Allow for a more concise way to define library routine interfaces.
author: Gregg Irwin
VB Like Operator Module/pattern-matcher
6.7 KB
15 Oct 2006
The LIKE? function is a first crack at something like VB's Like operator. i.e. a *very* simple RegEx engine as you would use in shells for file globbing. The real purpose was to help me get acquainted with parse.
author: Gregg Irwin
World Clock
1.9 KB
21 Jul 2005
Displays times for a number of Locations.
author: Allen Kamp
Linked Layout Demo
2.0 KB
11 Oct 2003
Shows how to link layouts so when a main window moves, the others stay in the same relative position to it.
author: Gregg Irwin
List FTP upload
1.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
FTP upload multiple files using login and password. Supports a full upload or partial for updates from lists in %sitedata.reb and %siteupdate.reb.
author: Elliott Olson
538 bytes
28 Nov 2003
Load a Rebol header without evaluating it
author: Romano Paolo Tenca
Load-Parse-Tree (Parse-Analysis)
8.5 KB
5 May 2013
Load a block structure representing your input as matched by Parse.
author: Brett Handley
Logging Framework For Rebol
10.8 KB
19 Feb 2006
Logging within the context of program development constitutes inserting statements into the program that provide some kind of output information that is useful to the developer. Examples of logging are trace statements, dumping of structures and the familiar 'prin or 'print debug statements. log4reb offers a hierarchical way to insert logging statements within a [...]
author: Francois Vanzeveren
logviewer.r16.0 KB
13 Oct 2006
Monitor log files. Please read included readme for further information
author: Daniel Szmulewicz
REBOL Directory Services Lookup
3.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
Provides a simple but effective directory server for peer-to-peer and other types of REBOL applications. Can be installed on any CGI webserver.
author: Carl Sassenrath
LRWP interface to Xitami
4.2 KB
13 Mar 2003
LRWP is a FastCGI like interface for Xitami. This implementation is provided by Robert Muench and Maarten Koopmans. Enjoy....
author: Maarten Koopmans
Native Mac OS X requestors
mac-requestors.r4.8 KB
28 Jun 2009
A set of eight Mac OS X native requestors that approximate and extend the functionality of the REBOL request* functions.
author: Ashley G Truter
Email Auto-reply
mailautoreply.r1.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
This example confirms email received from friends only. All others will be ignored.
author: [unknown]
Save to Mailbox File
mailboxsave.r1.3 KB
13 Mar 2003
This example reads email and appends it to a standard mailbox file (which can be read by most email apps).
author: [unknown]
Email Send With CC
mailcc.r718 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Example of how to include CC addresses on an email header.
author: [unknown]
Deluxe Email Spam Killer
maildespam.r1.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
This is an example of a simple email filter that removes unwanted junk mail from your mailbox.
author: [unknown]
Email Text Files
mailfiles.r763 bytes
13 Mar 2003
This example sends a group of text files as separate messages.
author: [unknown]
Email Files as Compressed
mailfilescomp.r1.0 KB
13 Mar 2003
This example sends a group of files (binary or text) as a single compressed text message.
author: [unknown]
Email Friend Monitor
mailfriends.r945 bytes
13 Mar 2003
This example displays messages that come from friends only. All others will be ignored.
author: [unknown]
Email Ping (Confirmation)
mailping.r971 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Confirm certain email that contains a key word.
author: [unknown]
Trivial Email List Server
1.2 KB
13 Mar 2003
As simple as a list server gets.
author: Anonymous
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