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tag index: l · level

533 scripts tagged as: [level  ·  intermediate]

Search Web Pages
findweb.r733 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Simple example of searching multiple web pages for a specified string.
author: [unknown]
Fire and Smoke particles generator.
14.3 KB
18 Sep 2010
icon for fire-smoke-particle-generator.rA particle engine demo which generates fire and smoke, with a lot of control and some compositing built-in
author: [unknown]
1.4 KB
3 Aug 2005
Well-known fire-demo for your pleasure
author: Rebolek
Fish 'n Strips
fish.r806 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Fun with Transparency
author: Allen Kamp
FMOD library interface
177.5 KB
5 Nov 2011
Code to bind FMOD shared library to Rebol.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Font Lab
3.0 KB
13 Mar 2003
A tool for experimenting with fonts.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Local Font Mapping
1.2 KB
13 Mar 2003
Shows which fonts are being mapped to the system independent font styles on your system
author: Allen Kamp
5.5 KB
18 Jul 2007
Return formatted date string using strftime style format specifiers
author: Christopher Ross-Gill
Trapping and displaying an error
form-error.r3.1 KB
20 Dec 2006
Beginner's example for trapping errors.
author: Tim Johnson
Form Letter
formletter.r1.0 KB
13 Mar 2003
Example of how to create an email form letter.
author: [unknown]
free-mem.r891 bytes
13 Dec 2004
A tiny function to free the memory occuped by a variable that is no more used in the program. This code is the best code given to us by DocKimble around the memory clearance. So it's the fruit of a colaborative work around memory management that we do using the forum of
author: DocKimble
Interactive FTP Downloader
718 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Download a group of files from an FTP server, prompting for each file along the way.
author: [unknown]
A Variation on Conway's Game of Life
5.3 KB
21 Sep 2005
A GUI implementation of a modified version of the popular cellular automaton system. The rules: 1) Each cell (square) on the grid is either alive (blue) or dead (white) 2) For every iteration, each cell's next state depends on current state and # of live neighbors a) if cell is alive, it stays alive <=> 2 or 3 neighbors are alive b) if cell is dead, [...]
author: Ayrris Aunario
1.0 KB
5 Jun 2007
Eliminate the result: copy [] ... append result value dance. Similar to Gregg's 'collect but does not require the set-word notation.
author: ReBolek
99 Buckets of Bits Song
869 bytes
13 Mar 2003
The geeky version :)
author: Owen Anderson
Cool Effect Gel
1.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
Power of the REBOL/View engine.
author: Carl Sassenrath
generate syntx
gen-syntx.r1.6 KB
9 Jan 2004
generate the list of defined 'words separated by their 'type I used the list as a basis for syntax coloring in an editor works with versions before core 2.5.5 but does not return natives in core 2.5.5 works with some since then as well
author: Tom Conlin
GeoRSS converter
georss.r24.5 KB
7 Oct 2009
Converts GeoRSS xml to GPX/KML/OziExplorer formats
author: pijoter
Get REBOL resources
7.9 KB
20 Nov 2010
Get REBOL resources. Download files on local drive. Use parse with rules REBOL concept. So very easy to add new resources to download.
author: nicolas
Get Windows Version
2.4 KB
23 Sep 2003
Shows how to call Windows GetVersonEx function.
author: Gregg Irwin
GISMo - Graphical Internet Server Monitor
1.9 KB
7 Nov 2005
Graphical Internet server monitor, as posted in the REBOL cookbook, found at - See that for more notes.
author: Carl Sassenrath
glayout - GLASS-based layout engine
141.6 KB
16 Nov 2006
replace vid dialect layout while keeping its basic featureset
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
Gradient Multiply
gmul.r590 bytes
19 Jul 2003
demonstrate gradient multiply effects
author: Jeff
1.7 KB
8 Aug 2004
print position from gps devices find corresponding map on mapquest (gps device must be nmea compliant)
author: Jean-Nicolas Merville
Garmin IMG decoder
1.1 KB
6 Dec 2004
Dekoduje pliki zakodowane funkcja XOR Skrypt moze byc wykorzystywany jedynie w celach edukacyjnych.
author: Piotr Gapinski
Gradient in all Directions
grad-all.r680 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Displays all gradient directions.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Gradient Colorize Examples
2.6 KB
13 Mar 2003
Applies multiple gradients to a single image.
author: Carl at REBOL
Gradient Colorize
gradcol-all.r707 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Displays gradient colorize in all directions.
author: [unknown]
Simple GradCol Example
gradcol.r791 bytes
19 Jul 2003
Demomstrate graduated colors
author: Jeff
Test Dot Graphviz with com2Rebol
1.6 KB
5 Apr 2006
REBOL COM.interfacing with WinGraphviz
author: Ph. Le Goff
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