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tag index: d · domain

17 scripts tagged as: [domain  ·  xml]

Emit RSS
4.5 KB
19 Nov 2007
Create an RSS Feed from a REBOL Block.
author: Christopher Ross-Gill
JSON to Rebol converter
14.2 KB
6 Sep 2013
Convert a JSON string to Rebol data, and vice versa.
author: douglas crockford
57.8 KB
7 Feb 2004
Parses the make-doc-pro markup language into a datastructure that can be into other document formats (such as HTML) with good titles, table of contents, section headers, indented fixed-spaced examples, bullets and definitons.
author: Robert M. Münch
object to xml converter
4.1 KB
16 Oct 2010
Takes the output and/or object format from xml-object.r by Brian Wisti and Gavin F. McKenzie and formats it back into xml. See also xml-parse by the same authors to provide the input from an xml file to xml-object.r.
author: James Nakakihara
Tag URI Parser
parse-taguri.r1.3 KB
29 Jan 2007
Converts a Tag URI to Metadata
author: Christopher Ross-Gill
XML to HTML node parser
12.0 KB
21 Dec 2004
To parse xml, xhtml, css, and html so you can search and update, remove, or add to your markup quickly.
author: daniel murrill
XML node parser
5.9 KB
13 Nov 2003
To parse single xhtml & xml nodes for there values.
author: daniel murrill
8.0 KB
27 Apr 2006
RebelXML provides a set of functions which allows to easily create/modify/delete XML data
author: Christophe 'REBOLtof' Coussement
RebXML to XML Converter
4.1 KB
2 Mar 2009
Converts a RebXML block structure to XML.
author: John Niclasen
UPnP - IGD V1.0
14.3 KB
10 Sep 2006
UPnP-IGD tool to discover and control an Internet Gateway Device via UPnP
author: marco
6.6 KB
28 Mar 2009
A rudimentary in-memory XML interpreter and interface.
author: Christopher Ross-Gill
Parse and write XML code
12.8 KB
9 Aug 2018
Parse XML code and return a tree of block, and vice-versa.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Convert an XML-derived block structure into objects.
7.9 KB
3 Mar 2005
This script creates a function xml-to-object that converts a series of nested blocks, created from an XML document by parse-xml, into a series of nested objects that represent the original content of the XML document processed.
author: Gavin F. McKenzie
A more XML 1.0 compliant set of XML parsing tools.
44.0 KB
1 Jul 2009
REBOL's built-in parse-xml function lacks a number of XML 1.0 compliant features, including: - support for CDATA sections - support for XML Namespaces - exposure of the internal DTD subset The intent of this script is to create an XML parser that can operate either via an event/callback mechanism, or produce [...]
author: Gavin F. McKenzie
XML to RebXML Converter
4.8 KB
2 Mar 2009
Convert XML to RebXML block structure.
author: John Niclasen
XML Generator
1.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
Simple functions to generate XML output. Creates example XML as published in Scientific American, May 1999.
author: Scrip Rebo
8.2 KB
11 Mar 2007
This script shows how to implement an XPath interpreter in Rebol/Prolog. This interpreter is not complete. It is only a kind of Proof of Concept . It lacks some features. Currently it can parse a document containing elements, attributes and pcdata. In this script I see an xml document as a tree of UNTYPED nodes. Consequently, - all nodes are treated [...]
author: Alban Gabillon