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tag index: d · domain

11 scripts tagged as: [domain  ·  sound]

pluginable analog alarm clock
3.5 KB
20 Sep 2004
aproximate an analog clock and add alarm
author: Tom Conlin
Demo Emulate PSG AY-3-8912... MSX PoWaaaa !!!!
88.5 KB
9 Feb 2007
Emulate the PSG AY-3-8912
author: Guest2
FMOD library interface
177.5 KB
5 Nov 2011
Code to bind FMOD shared library to Rebol.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Mini Synthesizer
65.0 KB
22 Sep 2005
Multi-purpose music program with the following features: 1) a 24-key (2-octave range includes middle C to B) keyboard/synthesizer with visual and audio output 2) for most basic chords in any given key, outputs the sound of that chord, the formal musical notation, and the corresponding keyboard keys 3) plays Twinkle Twinkle...
author: Ayrris Aunario
Narriated Slideshow
3.1 KB
19 Oct 2006
To make possible simple, easy to make narrated slide shows.
author: Louis A. Turk
Sintezar PM-101 - Phase Manipulation Digital Synthesizer
81.3 KB
23 Jun 2006
author: Boleslav Brezovsky
Podcast Chopper
1.9 KB
28 Jan 2007
- downloads an MP3 podcast as a number of smaller files, so that listening to the file file may be resumed at a number of points
author: r vdZee
PSG AY-3-8910 Study
88.6 KB
20 Feb 2007
This is a simple study for me to understand the basic principle of music generation This script use rebcode (20 time faster) if present. Many thanks to Guest2 making me interrested on this subject (see his script %demo-ay.r)
author: marco
Rebol users
4.0 KB
23 May 2011
icon for rebolusers.rShow rebol users faces!!!
author: Massimiliano Vessi
request time
request-time.r4.6 KB
20 Sep 2004
widget to return a valid time datatype
author: Tom Conlin
SDL library interface
131.3 KB
23 Sep 2012
Code to bind SDL shared library to Rebol.
author: Marco Antoniazzi