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tag index: d · domain

5 scripts tagged as: [domain  ·  financial]

Base conversion functions
8.0 KB
2 Sep 2005
Functions to convert an decimal whole number to and from any arbitrary base
author: Sunanda
Black Scholes Option Price
2.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Provide a Rebol function for computing the Black-Scholes (1973) formula for determining an European style Option Price.
author: Matt Licholai
Date and time functions
11.8 KB
24 Feb 2011
This script contains the Rebol implementation of some date and time functions provided in the glibc library and the gnumeric (and therefore Microsoft Excel) software. While the use and handling of date and time data are in most cases straightforward with Rebol, some of the advanced date and times functionalities found in glibc and gnumeric are still missing in [...]
author: Francois Vanzeveren
Download stock data
5.1 KB
9 Jan 2006
Get stock data from Yahoo. Return a block of blocks: date, open, high, low, close, volume, or the csv data as a sting. Optionally store the csv data as a file.
author: matt licholai
Calculate working days between two dates
1.7 KB
18 Feb 2007
Given two dates, and a list of holidays that occur between them, returns the number of work days between those two days. With the /non refinement, will return the number of non-working days between the two dates.
author: Sunanda