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tag index: d · domain

2 scripts tagged as: [domain  ·  demo]

CGI with FORM with refilled data
4.9 KB
28 Aug 2012
Example of how a webform could be processed by a REBOL script, refilling previously filled fields when errors in input are detected. For performance it is always better to have some validation (using e.g. Javascript) on the client side first, but for safety the check also needs to be (re)done at the server side.
author: Arnold van Hofwegen
Menu demo, using choice
menudemo.r14.6 KB
15 Jan 2014
Two purposes. Number one, to break down a menu demo from Nick Antonaccio into such small pieces that I am able to understand each piece, and thus the whole. Number two, to offer an idea of how to write a REBOL script that demonstrates how to write a REBOL script. This idea has been done before, so this is not completely new, just different. It also shows [...]
author: Steven White