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tag index: d · domain

8 scripts tagged as: [domain  ·  ai]

Gateway for request to AI
1.8 KB
25 Aug
A function that makes an AI request via the Internet and returns a response.
author: Sergey Pochinok
ARFF Data Mining
arff-datamining.r2.7 KB
26 Feb 2009
Implement a framework for Data Mining algorithms that works on ARFF files. Includes various algorithms. Assumes class being mined for is the last attribute.
author: Izkata
Beware the Entity
entity.r0.9 KB
18 Oct 2013
Little creature that runs around faces playing around
author: Izkata
Prolog Like Inference Engine
43.1 KB
3 Jan 2011
This is an inference engine wich process prolog like clause The engine can process prolog like clauses of the form : man [jean] woman [mary] human [X] [man [X]] human [X] [woman [X]] CUT (!) and FAIL are implemanted (it's the only hardcoded predicates in the engine) The engine execute Rebol code [...]
author: Marco
RNILL - REBOL Non Intelligent Language Learner
10.8 KB
19 Feb 2004
RNILL a REBOL implementation of a non intelligent language learner inspired by NIALL (Non Intelligent Amos Language Learner by Mathew Peck 1990).
author: Allen Kamp
Similarity Metrics
21.2 KB
19 Feb 2006
Toolkit of string distance metrics.
author: Francois Vanzeveren (fvz)
tj-map.r2.8 KB
18 Jan 2007
Applying a function to items in a list
author: andrew martin
8.2 KB
11 Mar 2007
This script shows how to implement an XPath interpreter in Rebol/Prolog. This interpreter is not complete. It is only a kind of Proof of Concept . It lacks some features. Currently it can parse a document containing elements, attributes and pcdata. In this script I see an xml document as a tree of UNTYPED nodes. Consequently, - all nodes are treated [...]
author: Alban Gabillon