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8 scripts tagged as: [author  ·  marco]

14.8 KB
16 Nov 2005
Easy-Service is a broker based on REBOL/Service which offer an easy way to write and the deploy distributed Rebol application. Easy-Service makes very easy to expose function written in Rebol like REBOL/Services. Thus, you can use these functions as if they were defined locally. In a distributed environment easy-service uses a simple [...]
author: marco
15.1 KB
3 Jan 2011
Easy-Soccer is a broker based on CGI which offer an easy way to write and the deploy distributed Rebol application. Easy-Soccer makes very easy to expose function written in Rebol like services. Thus, you can use these functions as if they were defined locally. In a distributed environment Easy-Soccer uses a simple WEB server and CGI to execute Rebol code [...]
author: marco
Dynamic Script Localization
12.6 KB
6 Sep 2004
Locale.r extends the system/locale objet in order to supply a dynamique localization of applications
author: marco
Prolog Like Inference Engine
43.1 KB
3 Jan 2011
This is an inference engine wich process prolog like clause The engine can process prolog like clauses of the form : man [jean] woman [mary] human [X] [man [X]] human [X] [woman [X]] CUT (!) and FAIL are implemanted (it's the only hardcoded predicates in the engine) The engine execute Rebol code [...]
author: Marco
PSG AY-3-8910 Study
88.6 KB
20 Feb 2007
This is a simple study for me to understand the basic principle of music generation This script use rebcode (20 time faster) if present. Many thanks to Guest2 making me interrested on this subject (see his script %demo-ay.r)
author: marco
Round Function
round-2.r975 bytes
23 Jul 2004
A function to round a number
author: Marco
84.2 KB
3 Jan 2011
SQL-PROTOCOL is a SQL Relationnal Database Management System (RDBMS) entirely written in REBOL with JOIN and SORT capability. This allow you having an easy to use lightweight database engine embeded in your REBOL application. Today, sql-protocol execute only these kind of query : * SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ... ORDER BY ... * INSERT ... INTO ... VALUES ... * [...]
author: marco
UPnP - IGD V1.0
14.3 KB
10 Sep 2006
UPnP-IGD tool to discover and control an Internet Gateway Device via UPnP
author: marco