Script Library: 1238 scripts
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Altme world search
29.2 KB
21 May 2007
Indexes and searches Altme worlds
author: [unknown]
SKIMP: Simple keyword index management program
40.3 KB
3 May 2007
Simple, fast way of indexing the text content of many documents
author: Sunanda
National Geographic Image of the Day Downloader
2.0 KB
9 Feb 2004
Downloads the current picture of the day from and saves it to a location of your choice. Directions: Change the 'filename' in the source to the location of your choice. The agrument -s causes it to be silent and so not print what step it is at. These directions can be seen by adding a -h agrument.
author: Charles MOUGEL
Estimate size of a REBOL application
13.2 KB
7 Dec 2008
[no purpose header found]
author: Sunanda
Data formatter
1.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
Create text columns
author: Bohdan Lechnowsky
Altme chat reader/exporter
23.2 KB
19 May 2016
Display or export to html the content of an Altme chat group. Can be used in interractif or command-line mode. For usage, run the script with -? argument : "rebol.exe -s altme-chat-reader.r -?"
author: [unknown]
ARFF Data Mining
arff-datamining.r2.7 KB
26 Feb 2009
Implement a framework for Data Mining algorithms that works on ARFF files. Includes various algorithms. Assumes class being mined for is the last attribute.
author: Izkata
1.2 KB
8 Nov 2006
Convert a binary file to a series of floats and back
author: Glenn M. Lewis
8.7 KB
9 Jan 2009
Basic BBCode implementation. For more info about BBCode check
author: David 'Oldes' Oliva
Binary Search
binary-search.r1.8 KB
5 Nov 2007
Find an index in a sorted list, at which an item must occur, if the item exists in the list. in time porportional to log-2 of the number of items in the list. NOTE WELL no effort is made to confirm the series is actually sorted. returns none if the input arguments are (detectably) flawed returns a index of a match OR an index [...]
author: Tom Conlin
REBOL Heavy Script Cleaner (Pretty Printer)
clean-script-heavy.r2.4 KB
27 Mar 2005
Based on Carls %clean-script.r Cleans (pretty prints) REBOL scripts by parsing the REBOL code and supplying standard indentation and spacing. Breaks now every bracket/paren it finds (thus heavy ). If you have a really messed up script, like %ascii-chart.r from the library, you have a chance to make it readable. [...]
author: carl sassenrath
Html Pretty Print REBOL
3.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
Syntax highlighting for HTML display of REBOL scripts
author: Jeff Kreis
REBOL Script Cleaner (Pretty Printer)
clean-script.r1.9 KB
15 Jan 2005
Cleans (pretty prints) REBOL scripts by parsing the REBOL code and supplying standard indentation and spacing.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Call Spellchecker
2.9 KB
12 Jul 2006
The script provides a basic spell check for Rebol text areas.
author: R. v.d.Zee
Checklister (HTML)
1.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
Creates a checklist in HTML from a text file.
author: [unknown]
Cisco config to text file
cisco-extract.r25.4 KB
5 Jul 2009
To read multiple Cisco IOS & CATOS files & create a summary of key information paticularly interface details
author: [unknown]
Color REBOL Code in HTML
3.4 KB
22 Jul 2005
Colorize source code based on datatype. Result is HTML. This script is used to syntax color the library scripts.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Comma-Seperated-Values to REBOL converter
convert-csv.r729 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Convert CSV files to REBOL blocks
author: Bohdan Lechnowsky
Rebol Code colorizer
18.7 KB
19 Jan 2009
To convert Rebol script into html with colorized code. Using string based parsing.
author: David 'Oldes' Oliva
760 bytes
3 Mar 2013
Delimit series elements with a delimiter.
author: Brett Handley