Mailing List Archive: 49091 messages
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Messages for Jan-2005

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 Thu, 6 pwawood::mango::net::myRe: Why not forget about AltMe and Rebolist and use RebolTalk instead???
 premshree:pillai:g:mailRe: Why not forget about AltMe and Rebolist and use RebolTalk instead???
 premshree:pillai:gmai:lRe: Why not forget about AltMe and Rebolist and use RebolTalk instead???
 premshree:pillai:g:mailRe: Why not forget about AltMe and Rebolist and use RebolTalk instead???
 Wed, 5 inetw3:mindspringRe: XML DOM parser for REBOL?
 kpeters::mvinc::netNewbie question: Do the free core versions on Unix support system calls?
 kpeters::mvinc::netNewbie question POP
 greggirwin:mindspringGoogle Group (was: Why not forget about AltMe)
 ammon:johnson:gm:ailRe: Why not forget about AltMe and Rebolist and use RebolTalk instead???
 ammon:johnson:gmai:lRe: Why not forget about AltMe and Rebolist and use RebolTalk instead???
 andreas:bolka:gmxRe: Why not forget about AltMe and Rebolist and use RebolTalk instead???
 andreas:bolka:gmxRe: Why not forget about AltMe and Rebolist and use RebolTalk instead???
 hallvard:ystad-oops:as:noRe: Why not forget about AltMe and Rebolist and use RebolTalk instead???
 hallvard::ystad::oops-as::noRe: New blogs, new future?
 carlos:lorenz:gmai:lRe: Why not forget about AltMe and Rebolist and use RebolTalk instead???
 carl::rebol::netRe: Why not forget about AltMe and Rebolist and use RebolTalk instead???
 petr::krenzelok::trz::czNew blogs, new future?
 carlos::lorenz::gmail::comRe: Why not forget about AltMe and Rebolist and use RebolTalk instead???
 ecartis:rebol[test] Mail List Test - ignore
 volker::nitsch::gmail::comRe: Why not forget about AltMe and Rebolist and use RebolTalk instead???
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