[1/1] from: izkata::aol::com at: 27-Apr-2002 10:40
Sorry about that empty E-mail, I accidentally
pressed the Send hotkey.
I've seen and used a type of text editor:
ctx-edit: [
prefs: view-root/edit-prefs.r
dirty-edit: false
this-file: none
this-app: none
t1: s1: h1: f1: none
edit-prefs: context [
offset: 40x40
size: 640x480
wrap: on
ed-lo: layout/offset [
style tx vtext bold 40x22 font [colors: [255.255.255 200.200.200]]
middle center
size 640x320 origin 0 space 0 across
tx "Open" [open-as]
tx "New" [new-file]
tx "Find" [find-text]
tx "Save" [save-file]
tx "Save-As" 60 [save-as]
tx "Do" [if error? try [do t1/text] [alert "There was an error
tx "Print" [write %printer.html rejoin [{<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>
AutoPrinter </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY>
} t1/text {
</BODY> </HTML>}]
browse %printer.html]
tx "Quit" [quit-edit]
pad 8
text "File:" bold black right middle 30x22
h1: at
f1: info 300x22 base-color + 40.40.40
t1: area 624x320 font [name: font-fixed] para [tabs: 28 origin: 4x4]
[dirty-edit: any [dirty-edit face/dirty?]]
with [color: snow feel: make feel [redraw: none]]
s1: slider 16x320 [scroll-para t1 s1]
] 0x0
ed-lo/color: base-color
t1/flags: []
save-lo: layout [
origin 10x10 space 8x4
style btn button 140
vtext bold "Edit Save Options" 140 center
pad 0x4
btn "Save" [hide-popup save-file result: true]
btn "Save As..." [hide-popup result: save-as]
btn "Quit - No Save" [hide-popup quit-now]
btn "Cancel" [hide-popup]
save-lo/color: base-color
ff: fb: fc: fp: none
find-lo: layout [
space 4x4 across
origin 16x16
label "Find:"
ff: field [search ff/text fc/data false]
pad 4
fb: button 80 "Find" [search ff/text fc/data false]
at ff/offset + 0x32
fc: check vtext "Match case"
at fb/offset + 0x32
button 80 "Cancel" [unview/only find-lo]
find-lo/color: base-color
deflag-face ff tabbed
resize: func [size] [
ed-lo/size: size
t1/size: size - (s1/size * 1x0) - (f1/size * 0x1)
s1/offset/x: t1/offset/x + t1/size/x
s1/size/y: t1/size/y
f1/size/x: size/x - h1/x
t1/line-list: none
refresh: does [
show ed-lo
s1/redrag t1/size/y / max 1 second size-text t1
save-prefs: has [str] [
str: copy ""
edit-prefs/offset: ed-lo/offset
edit-prefs/size: ed-lo/size
foreach w next first edit-prefs [
append str rejoin [w ": " edit-prefs/:w newline]
write prefs str
open-as: has [file] [
if not save-edit [exit]
file: request-file/keep/file/title this-file "Select a file to open:"
if not all [file file: pick file 1] [return false]
open-file file
new-file: does [
if not save-edit [exit]
open-file none
save-as: has [file] [
file: any [this-file %temp.txt]
file: request-file/keep/file/title file "Select a file or enter a
file name:" "Save"
if not all [file file: pick file 1] [return false]
this-file: file
save-file: has [file] [
if not this-file [save-as exit]
f1/text: this-file
f1/color: gold show f1
write this-file t1/text
wait 0.2
f1/color: base-color + 40.40.40 show f1
dirty-edit: t1/dirty?: false
open-file: func [file /local txt] [
if file = 'same [file: this-file]
either f1/text: this-file: file [
if error? try [txt: read file] [
request/ok reform ["Cannot read file:" file]
f1/text: this-file: none
txt: ""
] [
txt: ""
dirty-edit: false
t1/dirty?: false
s1/data: 0
t1/para/scroll: 0x0
t1/text: t1/data: copy txt
t1/line-list: none
focus t1
system/view/caret: t1/text
result: none
ask-save: does [result: none inform save-lo result]
save-edit: does [either any [dirty-edit t1/dirty?] [ask-save] [true]]
do-file: does [save-edit launch/secure-cmd this-file]
quit-edit: does [if save-edit [quit-now]]
quit-now: does [
if viewed? find-lo [unview/only find-lo]
unview/only ed-lo
dirty-edit: false
t1/dirty?: false
caret: none
start: none
last-str: last-case: last-pat: none
find-text: does [
caret: system/view/caret
view/new/title find-lo "Find"
find-lo/changes: 'activate
show find-lo
focus ff
search: func [str case pat] [
unview/only find-lo
start: any [caret t1/text]
last-str: str
last-case: case
last-pat: pat
find-str str case pat
find-str: func [str case pat] [
if not find-next str case pat [
start: none
if not find-next str case pat [system/view/caret: caret]
find-again: does [
start: any [system/view/caret t1/text]
if last-str [find-str last-str last-case last-pat]
find-next: func [str case pat /local txt] [
if txt: find' any [start t1/text] str case pat none [
focus t1
system/view/caret: txt
if not pat [
system/view/highlight-start: txt
system/view/highlight-end: start: find' txt str case pat true
scroll-to txt
find': func [txt str case pat tal /local code p] [
code: copy [find txt str]
if any [case pat tal] [
change/only code p: make path! [find]
if case [insert tail :p 'case]
if pat [insert tail :p 'any]
if tal [insert tail :p 'tail]
do code
scroll-to: func [txt /local xy] [
xy: (caret-to-offset t1 txt) - t1/para/scroll
t1/para/scroll: min 0x0 t1/size / 2 - xy
s1/data: (second xy) / max 1 second size-text t1
show [s1 t1]
keymap: [
#"^S" [save-file]
#"^W" [quit-edit]
#"^Q" [quit-edit]
#"^O" [open-as]
#"^N" [new-file]
#"^E" [do-file]
#"^F" [find-text]
#"^G" [find-again]
F3 [find-text]
F5 [do-edit]
page-up [scroll-edit true -1]
page-down [scroll-edit true 1]
scroll-edit: func [page n] [
s1/data: s1/data + (n *
(either page [t1/size/y] [t1/font/size]) / max 1 second size-text
show s1
scroll-para t1 s1
init: does [
ed-lo/feel: make ed-lo/feel [
detect: func [face event] [
switch event/type [
offset [save-prefs]
scroll-line [scroll-edit false event/offset/y]
scroll-page [scroll-edit true event/offset/y]
resize [
resize max 100x64 ed-lo/size
return true
key [switch event/key keymap]
close [quit-edit]
view-file: func [file] [
if not save-edit [exit]
t1/text: none
t1/line-list: none
either viewed? ed-lo [
ed-lo/changes: 'activate
show ed-lo
] [
if exists? prefs [edit-prefs: make edit-prefs load/all prefs]
t1/para/wrap?: edit-prefs/wrap
ed-lo/offset: edit-prefs/offset
if outside? system/view/screen-face/size ed-lo/offset + 20x20 [
ed-lo/offset: 40x40
resize edit-prefs/size
view/new/title/options ed-lo "Editor" [resize]
center-face/with save-lo ed-lo
center-face/with find-lo ed-lo
open-file file
if 1 = length? system/view/screen-face/pane [do-events]
editor: func [file /local tmp][
either exists? tmp: view-root/desktop/scripts/edit.r [do/args tmp file] [
if block? ctx-edit [ctx-edit: context ctx-edit]
ctx-edit/view-file file
editor none
But, I've never seen a word processor for REBOL.
As long as it uses rebol script in the save file, I'll
use it. I don't have any idea on how to make one
myself, because I'm only 14, and can't even do
simple parsing very easily.
Daniel S.