setting values to blocks - need help
[1/10] from: carlos:lorenz:gmai:l at: 27-Apr-2009 16:12
Hi list,
Need some help to understand this:
>> blk: copy []
== []
>> for i 1 3 1 [ append/only blk [] ]
== [ [] [] [] ]
>> append blk/1 "1"
== ["1"]
>> probe blk/1
== ["1"]
>> probe blk
[["1"] ["1"] ["1"]]
== [["1"] ["1"] ["1"]]
How come blk/2 and blk/3 were set to same value of blk/1 ???
Carlos Lorenz
Unidade Lorenz Ltda
(11) 4034 1971
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[2/10] from: compkarori::gmail at: 28-Apr-2009 7:15
try append/only copy []
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 7:12 AM, Carlos Lorenz <> wrote:
> Hi list,
> Need some help to understand this:
<<quoted lines omitted: 21>>
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Graham Chiu
Synapse - the use from anywhere EMR.
[3/10] from: ptretter::hotmail::com at: 27-Apr-2009 14:44
Use 'copy on series to resolve that issue.
Paul Tretter
[4/10] from: tim-johnsons::web::com at: 27-Apr-2009 17:45
On Monday 27 April 2009, Carlos Lorenz wrote:
> How come blk/2 and blk/3 were set to same value of blk/1 ???
Under the hood: they are the same 'pointer' - i.e. referencing
the same address in memory
try 'array/initial - returns multiple memory references
>> blk: array/initial 3 []
== [[] [] []]
>> append blk/1 "1"
== ["1"]
>> blk
== [["1"] [] []]
;; HTH
;; tim
[5/10] from: christian:ensel:gmx at: 28-Apr-2009 11:19
Hi Carlos,
Tim already gave you the exact reasoning for what you're experiencing here,
you can examine it for yourself:
>> loop 2 [append/only same: [] []]
== [[] []]
Not only are these blocks equal:
>> equal? same/1 same/2
== true
They are the same blocks, indeed:
>> same? same/1 same/2
== true
That's why
>> append first same 1 same
== [[1] [1]]
Whereas with fresh copies of the empty block
>> loop 2 [append/only equal: [] copy []]
== [[] []]
>> equal? equal/1 equal/2
== true
>> same? equal/1 equal/2
== false
>> append first equal 1 equal
== [[1] []]
Tim Johnson schrieb:
[6/10] from: semseddinm:bircom at: 28-Apr-2009 12:44
Strings and blocks are always references in Rebol. If you want different block for each
of them, you should use copy command.
It is same for strings also.
[7/10] from: brock::kalef::innovapost::com at: 28-Apr-2009 12:18
[8/10] from: tim-johnsons:web at: 28-Apr-2009 14:06
On Tuesday 28 April 2009, =DEemseddin Moldibi [ Bircom ] wrote:
> Strings and blocks are always references in Rebol. If you want different
> block for each of them, you should use copy command.
> It is same for strings also.
And that is not a bad thing, once you get used to it. For instance, if
you were to assign a series value to a word in a function, rather than
'copy'ing the value to the word, the word then retains its value, for
subsequent calls to that function. Like a static datatype in C.
Can be useful at times.
[9/10] from: tim-johnsons::web::com at: 28-Apr-2009 14:56
On Tuesday 28 April 2009, Tim Johnson wrote:
> And that is not a bad thing, once you get used to it. For instance, if
> you were to assign a series value to a word in a function, rather than
> 'copy'ing the value to the word, the word then retains its value, for
> subsequent calls to that function. Like a static datatype in C.
> Can be useful at times.
Sorry - left out an example.
Example below:
test: func[/local res][
count: [0]
count/1: count/1 + 1
print rejoin["this function has been called " count/1 " times"]
>> loop 6[test]
this function has been called 1 times
this function has been called 2 times
this function has been called 3 times
this function has been called 4 times
this function has been called 5 times
this function has been called 6 times
;; HTH tim
[10/10] from: semseddinm::bircom::com at: 29-Apr-2009 9:35
Yes, it sometimes confuses beginners mind but actually it is a nice feature. Below example
shows that feature very nice.
It uses "count: [0]" instead of "count: 0" which is completly different.
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