[rugby XPi beta1 - name conflict]
[1/2] from: pat665::ifrance::com at: 2-Feb-2002 19:21
Hi Maarten
Here is a problem and the related suggestion regarding rugby XPi.
The problem
To experiment with rugby, I was trying to split the tic-tac-toe program in
two part : a server and a client.
Foolishly I started my server with the following line :
serve [compute-move get-result init-grid computer-start]
As a result, the get-rugby-service was giving me the most puzzling error. It
is certainly obvious to you what is wrong with this line. However it took my
a long time to find out by myself.
It was difficult because :
- I did a wrong thing in the server, and the server said nothing
- I did a wrong thing in the server, and the client told me a lot of thing I
didn't understand
The suggestion
the serve function should not accept to serve a function that already exists
in rugby like get-result here.
Besides I am having a lot of fun with rugby and the tic-tac-toe program is
working now.
[2/2] from: koopmans:itr:ing:nl at: 4-Feb-2002 10:38
What happens is this:
the stubs are done in the global context on the client side and thus
overwrite get-result there. You can solve this by doing:
my-tic-tac-toe: context get-rugby-service tcp://a:b