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Acronym hilighter

 [1/2] from: chd::1staccess::ca at: 7-Jul-2007 10:44

Dear Rebols I'm doing a medical site that is very full of jargon and 3 letter acronyms. Since I'm new to Rebol I thought I would ask if there is a script that would highlight, perhaps with css, the words on an external file list that appear on any given page. When there is a mouse-over, a layer div would open and give the acronyms' full reference. Looks like a job for Parse, but I don't want to have to re-invent the wheel, if there was something comparable. Much thanks Chris Canada

 [2/2] from: gschwarz:netconnect:au at: 11-Jul-2007 17:36

You could use replace used in a loop with reading from the external file. replace/all file-name " MJG " " <a href=^"some.html^">MJG<a/> " *MJG = medical jargon :-) Regards, Greg