Global function defined in context
[1/4] from: reboler::ifrance::com at: 26-Dec-2002 19:50
Hi, List
Until recently I thought that the two following constructions were equivalent.
myWorld: context [
set 'helloWorld func [][print "Hello World"]
myWorld2: context [
helloWorld2: func [][print "Hello second World"]
In fact, it is not. From (1.) we get a global function, from (2.) a local function.
>> helloWorld2
** Script Error: helloWorld2 has no value
** Where: do-boot
** Near: helloWorld2
>> myWorld2/helloWorld2
Hello second World
Does 'set always create global function?
if so, wouldn't it be better if documented in "HELP SET"?
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Règlement :
[2/4] from: al:bri:xtra at: 27-Dec-2002 8:35
Patrick wrote:
> 1.
> myWorld: context [
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> helloWorld2: func [][print "Hello second World"]
> ]
myWorld3: context [
helloWorld: none
set 'helloWorld func [][print "Hello World"]
>> probe myWorld3
make object! [
helloWorld: func [][print "Hello World"]
> Does 'set always create global function?
No. Evaluation of 'func creates a function! value. 'set takes the second
value and assigns that value as the value of the first value (a word!
value). Rebol looks for a matching word in the "closest" enclosing context.
If none is found, Rebol creates a word in the global context.
Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169
[3/4] from: nitsch-lists:netcologne at: 26-Dec-2002 23:43
pat665 wrote:
>Hi, List
>Until recently I thought that the two following constructions were equivalent.
<<quoted lines omitted: 17>>
>Does 'set always create global function?
>if so, wouldn't it be better if documented in "HELP SET"?
No, set-words allways create local-functions. because 'context looks for
'set is a trick for export, 'context sees no set-word, 'context ignores it.
a: context[
a-func: none
b: context[
set 'a-func func[]['a]
b-func: func[]['b]
? a
make object! [
a-func: func []['a]
make object! [
b-func: func []['b]
[4/4] from: reboler:ifrance at: 27-Dec-2002 14:57
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for the explanations.
If I understand you (and Volker) well the 'set construction is merely a trick to define
a not-in-context function.
From recent Carl S. posts, he seems to use it a lot.
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