face-flags? error with FX5-Menu Style
[1/8] from: info:id-net:ch at: 30-Jan-2003 13:05
Hello, I'm using now the new version of View with FX5-View-Menu
That style worked with an older version but now I got this error.. Someone
knows why and how could I correct it ..
** Script Error: Invalid path value: flags
** Where: flag-face?
** Near: all [face/flags find face/flags flag]
[2/8] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 30-Jan-2003 11:25
Hi Philippe,
PO> Hello, I'm using now the new version of View with FX5-View-Menu
PO> styles
PO> That style worked with an older version but now I got this error.. Someone
PO> knows why and how could I correct it ..
Hopefully Frank will jump in with an answer. I just did a quick scan
of the source and it wasn't obvious to me what the problem is, though
it may be to someone else.
-- Gregg
[3/8] from: fsievert:uos at: 30-Jan-2003 20:56
Sorry, I don't have a rebol site back online at the moment and I don't
know when I will have again. Maybe changing the line to
all [in face 'flags face/flags find face/flags flag]
will help...?
On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Philippe Oehler wrote:
[4/8] from: info:id-net:ch at: 30-Jan-2003 22:35
There's no 'flags appearance in the fx5 menu style.. it should be a
incompatibility of the code and the new version of View
[5/8] from: anton::lexicon::net at: 31-Jan-2003 10:16
Yep, that seems to do the trick:
flag-face?: func [
"Checks a flag in a VID face."
face [object!] 'flag
][all [in face 'flags face/flags find face/flags flag]]
[6/8] from: info:id-net:ch at: 12-Apr-2003 17:48
Back to an unresolved thread..
The new flag-face? function is adapted to new version of /View but with
fx5-menu style,
but the Menu doesn't not disappear when the mouse is clicked outside the
menu as with old View.
I tried different approachs to correct this problem but I'm right now on the
side to give it up.. Can Someone Help Me ?
Or Someone Use Another Menu-style ?
[7/8] from: info:id-net:ch at: 13-Apr-2003 12:16
The file is available at http://www.compkarori.co.nz/reb/fx5-menu.r
[8/8] from: antonr:iinet:au at: 14-Apr-2003 4:09
I think just this one change should fix it:
In the file fx5-menu.r, add a line to this function
view-menu: func [face /local tmp] [
append face/parent-face/parent-face/pane menu: make system/words/face [
dirty?: yes
flags: [on-unfocus] ;; <<<-----
Because the new system/view/screen-face/feel
uses 'flag-face? we need to ensure that the
new menu has face/flags set to [on-unfocus].
Every time the menu is activated view-menu is
called. You can see that it builds the menu face
based on a fresh face (system/words/face).
Anton Rolls.