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Persistance of data in a GUI with list-view widget

 [1/1] from: fergus4::bellatlantic::net at: 27-Apr-2007 0:56

I'm using Henrik Mikael Kristensen's list view widget to display data from a database. I'm using a form with text fields and "Choice" buttons. When I edit a row changes to text fields are displayed in the list-view when its updated but changes to data using Choice buttons do not show up on the list-view and are not a pick other rows and come back to the edited row the field that I changed is back to its original state and the choice button also displays the original data. Any idea what I'm missing here? Accessing the string in a text field is done with field_name/text and I have been using the same format for the choice buttons but I vaguely remember there being another format? Thanks! -Alan