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[ALLY] vid-list-problems on my machine, need testers

 [1/2] from: agem::crosswinds::net at: 8-Sep-2000 22:24

Hi all! have problems send to feedback, Bo could not recreate it. maybe i have a strange system - who too? i wrote the little editor with a filename-pad (you have to enter the files by hand, but they are remembered across edits). i don't know if it is official to use lists to change strings directly, but most of the times it works. have suse 6.4, kde, REBOL/View 6-Sep-2000, amd-k6. problems: 1) if i enter text directly in the list-fields, and klick around between fields, strange things happens. 2) sometimes after using the edi a while, opening various files, all list-fields keeps blank. sometimes it works. usually the first time all runs well, then it is completely blank for the rest of the time, but i had one or too recoverys too. i described this to Bo this way, hm bit confusing? :
>bug: <lb> enter a file and open it. then re-open a file. >1) the request-page is sometimes empty, sometimes it works. >2) typing in the list-fields works sometimes half, sometimes breaks after firs
t char. REBOL [ title: "simple edit" version: file: %/home/volker/alphas/simpledit.r date: 5-Sep-2000/2:15:46+1:00 ] ;protect-system de: :do-events ;debug se: make object! [ config: config-name: autosave: use-do: open-file: edit-text: none my-launch: func [] [close-se either use-do/data [do config/file] [ ; hack-launch probe reform [config/file] print "simpledit back" do %launch.r ; launches config/file ] ] main: func [] [ config-default: [file %./unnamed files [] posis []] config-name: %simpledit-config.r config: copy config-default ; error? try [if exists? config-name [do config-name] config: system/words/config ] a: config-default forskip a 2 [if not find config first a [append config reduce [first a second a]]] a: system/script/args if a [config/file: clean-path to file! a] view layout open-file ;print read config-name ] close-se: func [] [ secured/except "save text?" config/file [ write config/file edit-text/text a: config/posis now-is a config/file edit-text/para/origin/y ] autosave/data secured/except "save config?" config-name [ save/header config-name compose/deep [ config: [(config)]] [title: "simpledit's config"] ] autosave/data ] scroll-lines: func [lines] [ edit-text/para/origin/y: edit-text/para/origin/y + (lines * (edit-text/font/size + edit-text/font/offset/y)) show edit-text ] comment { --- views: --- } edit: [edit-title: title 640x30 join "" config/file across button "close" [close-se unview/all] button "open" [close-se view layout open-file] ;button "launch" [close-se hack-launch probe reform[{-s --do "secure } mold secure query {"} config/file]] button #"^d" "launch" [my-launch] label join "" (2) arrow down [scroll-lines -2] label join "" ("p/2") arrow down [ edit-text/para/origin/y: edit-text/para/origin/y - (480 / 2) show edit-text] label join "" ("p/2") arrow up [ edit-text/para/origin/y: edit-text/para/origin/y + (480 / 2) show edit-text] label join "" (2) arrow up [scroll-lines 2] label "autosave" autosave: check below do [error? try [a: read config/file] [a: "new"]] edit-text: area 640x480 a do [if a: select config/posis config/file [ edit-text/para/origin/y: a]] ] open-file: [title "enter file " do [dir&file: split-path config/file] across label join "current directory: " (what-dir) label "do/launch" use-do: check return dir: field form first dir&file file: field form second dir&file arrow down [insert/only config/files reduce [copy dir/text copy file/text] show xfiles] button #"^m" "open" [ filename: clean-path join dirize to file! dir/text file/text config/file: filename view layout edit ] return xfiles: list 450x300 [across xdir: field xfile: field arrow up [dir/text: copy xdir/text file/text: copy xfile/text show dir show file] ] supply [face/text: either count > length? config/files ["-"] [ pick config/files/:count index ]] text 75x300 join "" mold secure query ] comment { --- tools --- } now-is: function [ "change value after key, if it is present, otherwise append both" series key value] [here] [ here: find series key either here [change/only next here value] [append series reduce [key value]] ] ask-for: func [question about] [ request reduce [reform [ question to string! about "(on linux security on console!!)"] "yes" "cancel"] ] secured: func [title item todo /except -except] [ either not -except [ if ask-for title item [do todo] ] [do todo] ] tests: func [] [ ; a: [a 1 b 2] now-is a 'b 3 now-is a 'c 4 ? a ] ] ;error? try [main] se/main

 [2/2] from: g:santilli:tiscalinet:it at: 9-Sep-2000 15:19

Hello [agem--crosswinds--net]! On 08-Set-00, you wrote: a> 1) if i enter text directly in the list-fields, and a> klick around between fields, strange things happens. This is probably because there is only ONE field, which is iterated inside the list. I'd suggest to avoid using iteration in this case (I think it is possible to make it work, tough, if you REALLY need iteration). Regards, Gabriele. -- Gabriele Santilli <[giesse--writeme--com]> - Amigan - REBOL programmer Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila --