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field action unfocuses field

 [1/2] from: arolls:bigpond:au at: 23-Jul-2001 6:53

Does anyone know how to reset the focus to the same field after it has completed its action? See this example doesn't work: view center-face layout [ f: field [ print ["f is focused. waiting 3 seconds"] focus f ; this works, great wait 3 ; time for you to see it is focused ok focus f ; gets unfocused straight after this ] do [focus f] ; focus on f first time ]

 [2/2] from: g::santilli::tiscalinet::it at: 23-Jul-2001 18:52

Hello Anton! On 22-Lug-01, you wrote: A> Does anyone know how to reset A> the focus to the same field after A> it has completed its action? I have found this quite annoying in some cases so I wrote a patch. I don't know if this thing should be released publicly (made to suit personal needs only, no docs, etc.), but well, let's do it! NAF-Field will keep its focus if your action does not change it manually. To handle TABs, you can write: NAF-Field refocus 'prev-field 'next-field (as words, mainly because usually you don't have next-field already defined at this point) NAF-Field refocus [either shift ["SHIFT TAB"] ["TAB"]] (here you can do whatever you want --- this is a VID feature actually) You'll find other things, but you might simply strip them off or ignore them. HTH, Gabriele. -- Gabriele Santilli <[giesse--writeme--com]> - Amigan - REBOL programmer Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila -- REBOL [ Title: "VID styles patches" Author: "Gabriele Santilli <[giesse--writeme--com]>" File: %vid-patches.r Date: 11-Jun-2001 Version: 1.1.0 ; majorv.minorv.status ; status: 0: unfinished; 1: testing; 2: stable History: [ 11-Jun-2001 1.1.0 "History start" ] ] ; fix to avoid auto refocus after action on fields context [ chg: c: second get in ctx-text 'edit-text either 6717985 = checksum mold c [ chg: compose [(chg: copy/part at c/20/9/22/5 10 3) not (chg)] change back tail chg 'no-auto-focus remove change/only change at c/20/9/22/5 10 'all chg ] [print "CANNOT APPLY NAF PATCH!"] ] ; useful wait-for function context [ screen-pane: system/view/screen-face/pane normal: end-waiting?: does [ empty? screen-pane ] when-waiting: does [ not found? find screen-pane waiting-for ] ; to make wait-for work c: pick second get in system/view 'wake-event 12 either 11815557 = checksum mold c [ clear change at c 3 [end-waiting?] ] [print "CANNOT APPLY WAIT-FOR PATCH!"] wait-list: [] waiting-for: none set 'wait-for func [window [object!]] [ insert tail wait-list waiting-for: window end-waiting?: :when-waiting wait [] remove back tail wait-list either not empty? wait-list [waiting-for: last wait-list] [end-waiting?: :normal] ] ] context [ focus-patch: [ refocus: none flag-face self no-auto-focus insert tail words compose [ refocus (func [new args] [ parse args [ 'refocus args: block! (new/refocus: func [shift] args/1) | 'refocus word! args: word! ( new/refocus: func [shift] compose/deep [ focus either shift [(args/-1)] [(args/1)] ] ) | args: ] args ]) ] ] field-feel: none stylize/master [ ; nicer choice Choice: Choice effect [gradient 0x1 66.120.192 44.80.132] edge [color: 142.128.110] feel [ engage: func [face action event] [ if action = 'down [ event: face/effect face/effect: none choose/style/window face/texts func [face parent] [ parent/text: face/text parent/data: find parent/texts face/text do-face parent none ] face face/parent-face face/effect: event ] show face ] ] ; these are nicer this way too, and allow alt-action Field: Field edge [color: 142.128.110] with [ set 'field-feel feel: make feel [ use [c] [ c: second :engage either 5084208 = checksum mold c [ insert c/3 bind [alt-up [do-face-alt face face/text]] c/2 ] [print "CANNOT APPLY FIELD ALT-ACTION PATCH!"] ] ] ] Area: Area edge [color: 142.128.110] with [ feel: field-feel ] ; NO AUTO FOCUS field and area NAF-Field: Field with focus-patch NAF-Area: Area with focus-patch ; fixing a bug in Slider/redrag Slider: Slider with [ use [c] [ c: second :redrag either 8177867 = checksum mold c [ insert c [state: none] ] [print "CANNOT APPLY SLIDER PATCH!"] ] ] ; List edge... List: List edge [color: 142.128.110] ] ]