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Rebol Emacs-Mode Problems with Xemacs 21.4

 [1/1] from: raimunddold::web::de at: 27-Feb-2002 18:45

Hi, I get error messages with the following lines of the rebol-mode: (autoload 'rebol-mode "REBOL" "Turn on REBOL mode" t) (setq auto-mode-alist (append '("\\.r\\'" . rebol-mode)) auto-mode-alist) (setq interpreter-mode-alist (append '(("rebol" . rebol-mode)) interpreter-mode-alist)) (add-hook 'rebol-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock) Starting Xemacs with the -debug-init option shows the following: Signaling: (wrong-number-of-arguments setq 3) (setq auto-mode-alist (append (quote ...)) auto-mode-alist) load-internal("~/.xemacs-custom" t t nil undecided) load("~/.xemacs-custom" t t) (cond ((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version) (setq custom-file ~/.xemacs-custom ) (load "~/.xemacs-custom" t t))) load-internal("/home/raimund/.xemacs/init.el" t t t undecided) load("/home/raimund/.xemacs/init.el" t t t) load-user-init-file() load-init-file() command-line() normal-top-level() Does anyone know how to fix this? I am running Xemacs 21.4 on Suse 7.3 Thanx Raimund