Checker game
[1/2] from: arnaud::dutartre::europe::tgs::com at: 11-Oct-2002 12:01
I just started a checker game in Rebol and I would like to know if anyone
already try such type of game.
I would like to know also if there is "thread" in rebol, and if yes could
you tell me the best place to find information about ...
[2/2] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 11-Oct-2002 11:17
Hi Arno,
<< I just started a checker game in Rebol and I would like to know if anyone
already try such type of game. >>
I haven't seen one. Tic-tac-toe, and a number of other games are out there,
but not checkers AFAIK.
<< I would like to know also if there is "thread" in rebol, and if yes could
you tell me the best place to find information about ... >>
REBOL is single threaded, but you can write your own cooperative
multi-tasking engine pretty easily. Maarten Koopmans has one in Rugby, and I
have a little co-process test I did a while back.