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need a thumbnail image quickly?

 [1/1] from: ryan::christiansen::intellisol::com at: 15-May-2001 17:52

If you need to grab an image quick, you can use the following function to search the image database and grab the first jpeg thumbnail which matches your search. get-thumbnail: func [ keyword [string!] ][ page: read (make url! rejoin [{} keyword {&hidKeywordSearch=&hidSearchCategory=0&pf=&navid=&hidIsNewSearch=TRUE}]) parse page [to {} copy text thru {.jpg} (img-url: make url! copy text)] img: read/binary img-url img-file: make file! (rejoin [keyword {.jpg}]) write/binary img-file img ] In case anyone mixes politics, copyright concerns and bandwidth ethics with programming, you may like to know is owned by Bill Gates. -Ryan