[1/4] from: robbo1mark::aol::com at: 30-Mar-2001 14:42
Hi everbody,
this post is not of any urgency, rather Iam seeking enlightenment from list members about
the REBOL approach to regular expressions.
Regular expressions in Perl although powerful are mighty ugly and not at all intuitive,
what is the REBOL way / approach. Sure REBOL has tremendous Parsing capabilities but
what is the best approach in this instance?
Jeff, Larry, Elan, anyone? can you enlighten me?
Mark Dickson
[2/4] from: sterling:rebol at: 30-Mar-2001 12:10
The really quick answer is "Use PARSE."
What docs/examples/demos have you looked at regarding parse?
What kind of an answer to this question are you looking for?
Parsing strings is the REBOL awy of doing regular expressions but
PARSE can also parse blocks which is your path to dialecting.
Dialecting is, frankly, the way of the future. Why not use the
terminology of your work context to do your work?
[3/4] from: jamesh:volition-inc at: 30-Mar-2001 14:28
> Dialecting is, frankly, the way of the future.
Or the way of the past, if you consider that the REBOL example of dialecting
look like examples from early 1980s Forth books :)
[4/4] from: dvydra2:yaho:o at: 30-Mar-2001 12:25
I think the PARSE function is all you need. What
specifically are you trying to do with regexp? Are you
searching or validating input?
--- [Robbo1Mark--aol--com] wrote:
> Hi everbody,
> this post is not of any urgency, rather Iam seeking
<<quoted lines omitted: 13>>
> [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.
please reply to: [david--vydra--net]
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