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Moving a [resize no-title] /view window?

 [1/3] from: tbrownell:yaho:o at: 3-Feb-2003 15:29

Is it possible to move a window that is using the [no-title] view option? TBrownell

 [2/3] from: atruter:labyrinth:au at: 4-Feb-2003 14:45

> Is it possible to move a window that is using the [no-title] view option?
Yes. Following should be enough to get you started. ;) view/options layout [ origin 0 text 200x22 "Title" with [ color: navy font: [size: 14 valign: 'middle style: 'bold color: white] feel: make feel [ engage: func [face action event] [ if action = 'down [ face/data: event/offset face/help: face/parent-face/size face/parent-face/size: face/size show face/parent-face ] if event/type = 'move [ face/parent-face/offset: face/parent-face/offset + event/offset - face/data show face/parent-face ] if action = 'up [ face/parent-face/size: face/help show face/parent-face ] ] ] ] btn "X" [quit] ] [no-title] Regards, Ashley

 [3/3] from: tbrownell::yahoo::com at: 3-Feb-2003 23:03

Way cool, thanks. Now if I could just lose that Rebol logo in the task bar ;) TBrownell Ashley Truter <[atruter--labyrinth--net--au]> wrote:> Is it possible to move a window that is using the [no-title] view option? Yes. Following should be enough to get you started. ;) view/options layout [ origin 0 text 200x22 "Title" with [ color: navy font: [size: 14 valign: 'middle style: 'bold color: white] feel: make feel [ engage: func [face action event] [ if action = 'down [ face/data: event/offset face/help: face/parent-face/size face/parent-face/size: face/size show face/parent-face ] if event/type = 'move [ face/parent-face/offset: face/parent-face/offset + event/offset - face/data show face/parent-face ] if action = 'up [ face/parent-face/size: face/help show face/parent-face ] ] ] ] btn "X" [quit] ] [no-title] Regards, Ashley