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Help with script to send (RESEND: READ THIS VERSION)

 [1/1] from: psa102::toward::com at: 16-Aug-2004 17:09

Gabriele's, Stan's, and Tom's suggestions have almost gotten my command file (script file?) to run. The error message now is: Script: "User Preferences" (20-May-2001/21:08:16-4:00) Script: "Send message with attachment script 8" (8-Aug-2004) arguments: ["localaddresses.txt message.txt attachments.txt"] addressfile: %localaddresses.txt messagefile: %message.txt attachfiles: %attachments.txt ** Access Error: Cannot open /D/Rebol/test1.file ** Where: build-attach-body ** Near: val: read/binary file Apparently, the script is opening the "attachments.txt" file and reading the first filename listed but stripping off the leading "%" that I included in the file. For example, the attachments.txt file consists of two lines, %test1.txt and %test2.txt. I didn't really think that including the "%" before the filename in the data file, attachments.txt, would convert into a block of Rebol filenames in the attachfiles: word but I didn't know what command to use (reduce?, ...?). THe script is now: REBOL [ Title: "Send message with attachment script 8" File: %sendattach8.r Author: "jwirt, gabriele santilli, stan silver, tom conlin :-)" Date: 8-8-04 Purpose: { Load an email script from command line, two arguments. Uses REBOL } ] arguments: parse system/script/args none print ["arguments:" mold arguments] addressfile: to file! system/options/args/1 print ["addressfile:" mold addressfile] messagefile: to file! system/options/args/2 print ["messagefile:" mold messagefile] attachfiles: to file! system/options/args/3 print ["attachfiles:" mold attachfiles] message: read messagefile members: load/all addressfile attachments: load/all attachfiles send/attach members message attachments The next to last statement is the one that probably needs to change. The individual filenames in the text file whose name is stored in the word, attachments:, need to be loaded into attachments: as a block of Rebol filennames. At worst, I could load the list of filenames in attachments.txt into a series word and then somehow convert them one by one into a series of Rebol filenames that is then stored as a block in a word. The word attachments has to contain a list of Rebol file Names as a block, if I understand the syntax of the send command correctly. If I replace the next to last line with: [%test1.txt %test2.txt] it works perfectly. Currently, the data in the text file attachments.txt are two lines of text, %test1.txt and %test2.txt. This gives the error above. Thank you in advance. John Wirt