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How can one get rid of an alias?

 [1/2] from: pat665::ifrance::com at: 3-Dec-2001 22:43

Hi, all How can one get rid of an alias? For example, I type this at the console (it was an error)
>> alias 'print affiche
And I receive a well deserved error ** Script Error: affiche has no value ** Where: halt-view ** Near: alias 'print affiche However, when I enter what I think is the correct syntax, I got an error too :
>> alias 'print "affiche"
** Script Error: Alias word is already in use: affiche ** Where: halt-view ** Near: alias 'print "affiche" Obviously I cannot use "affiche" anymore ! Any solution ? Patrick

 [2/2] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 3-Dec-2001 22:57

Hi Patrick, << How can one get rid of an alias? >> This won't tell us what the ultimate solution would be but just start a new console session and you should be able to use it. alias 'print "affiche" Referencing it, even when it created the error, added it to system/words. I don't think you can remove items from system/words, though you can change the value of it. --Gregg