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From: anton:wilddsl:au at: 31-Mar-2009 14:47

Hi, Not sure if this helps, but here are some things I did. On linux, the VIEW-ROOT setting seems to be hardcoded in the rebol binary to ~/.rebol/view/ I wanted to locate all my rebol scripts in ~/dev/rebol/view/, so I symlinked ~/.rebol -> ~/dev/rebol in my home directory, like so: ln -s dev/rebol/ .rebol I also have this line in my user.r if system/options/home = %/home/anton/ [ ; as on linux system/options/home: %/home/anton/dev/rebol/view/ ] When you start rebol, check the following values in the console to see if everything looks right: view-root system/options/home system/options/path system/options/boot what-dir <-- Returns current directory. Affected by CHANGE-DIR Regards, Anton. wrote: