[REBOL] Re: The truth about scope
From: mokkel:gmx at: 14-Apr-2005 21:17
Hi Gabrielle,
> The reason we need them, is that words actually refer to values
> with an additional layer of indirection. A "double pointer" if you
> want to call it this way. Why? Because otherwise each word
> "instance" would have a different reference. Changing one word
> would not change all the other words with the same spelling.
> So we have something like:
> some-word -----------\
> ()---------> value
> some-word -----------/
> some-other-word ----->()---------> value
I just would like to make sure that I understood it correctly. One could
describe a simple example as follows:
f: func [x] [print [x]]
f 1 ; == 1
x: 2
b1: reduce [first second second :f] ; == [x]
print b1 ; == 1
- () is the indirection pointer Gabrielle used in his arrow sketch, which
belongs to a certain word while running the script
- value is the right-most side he used
global context table:
() | value
'f | reference to 'f
'print | reference to 'print
'first | reference to 'first
'second | reference to 'second
'func | reference to 'func
[] | reference to function argument block
[] | reference to function body block
[] | reference to reduce block
'b1 | reference to reduce block
'x | 2
function context table:
() | value
'x | unset! or later 1
[] | block in function block
The left side with the words from Gabrielles sketch is either a second
table with names which could be there more than once or just references in
the Rebol internal structure when interpreting a block.
Could it look like that ?
f-1: func-1 [x-1]-1 [print-1 [x-2]-1]-1
f-2 1 ; == 1
x-3: 2
b1-1: reduce-1 [first-1 second-1 second-2 :f-3]-1 ; == [x-4]-1
print-2 b1-2 ; == 1
The -X means always a reference to the according 'word in question in the
context table. If I understood correctly that has to be like that as we
have actually just data, so after one run of evaluation a block of data
it's still just data and we need more versions of one word (this is what I
understood as "instances" of a word). So Rebol musst keep internally some
map of internal identifiers to names in the block. Like
word -> context ()
f-1 -> 'f in global context
x-1 -> 'x in function context
x-2 -> 'x in function context
x-3 -> 'x in global context
x-4 -> 'x in function context
So if one updates or changes 'x in the function context x-1, x-2, x-4 will
change too. But if I would bind x-2 into the global context then only the
word -> context mapping table has to be modified. Maybe Ladislavs view is
even easier, to think just of every instance as some kind of object which
has an attached context field and a value field which is double
referenced, thus referes to the () and then to the value (or just the ()
field which is the context anyway).
The reason I'm so verbose is that I didn't see so much the need of the
leftmost part with the "instances" of a word or wasn't sure what is
exactly meant by instances of a word. But because we don't have code and a
fixed scope for the variables we can't reduce it to just one word per
scope and thus there have to be the many "instances" of one word.
I hope I don't annoy somebody with these lengthy post. But I have the
feeling that this thread is/was very informative to me at least, stuff I
hadn't figured out in detail so far. (unless now somebody tells .... ääähm
yes, but .... ) :-)
P.S.: I thought about just deleting the post, but maybe it's not that
stupid (and obvious) after all.