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[REBOL] Re: Searching news articles for a string

From: David_A_Brown:vanguard at: 29-May-2003 12:59

HI Mat, In order my preferences would be: New York Times Boston Globe CNN Money Thanks. Mat Bettinson <[mat--plothatching] To: "[David_A_Brown--vanguard--com]" <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> .com> cc: (bcc: David A Brown/IT/VGI) Sent by: Subject: [REBOL] Re: Searching news articles for a string [rebol-bounce--rebo] 05/29/2003 09:21 AM Please respond to rebol-list Hello David, Dvc> Does anyone have a sample of a job that does the following: Plenty. Do you have a particular news site in mind? Regards, Mat Bettinson - +44-(0)20-83401514.