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[REBOL] is there a better way?

From: rishioswal:ya:hoo at: 5-May-2001 13:06

wondering if there is a better way to do the following lines of code (rather than using so many if statements) menu-choice: choice 150 "Menu1" "Menu2" "Menu3" [ if ((first value) = "Menu1") [menu-panel/pane: menu1 show menu-panel] if ((first value) = "Menu2") [menu-panel/pane: menu2 show menu-panel] if ((first value) = "Menu3") [menu-panel/pane: menu3 show menu-panel] ] i tried this... menu-choice 150 "Menu1" "Menu2" "Menu3" [ [menu-panel/pane: to-word first value show menu-panel] ] i also tried variations of this menu-choice 150 "Menu1" "Menu2" "Menu3" [ [set 'menu-panel/pane to-lit-word first value show menu-panel] ] but nothing elegant seems to work... rishi