[REBOL] Re: Vid / Subpanels / Dirty?
From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 1-Jun-2001 8:46
'lo Brett :-)
Brett Handley wrote:
> view layout [
> test-field: field [dirty-flag: true]
> do [
> insert-event-func [
> either event/type = 'close [
> last-face: system/view/focal-face
> if all [ last-face not none? get in last-face 'action] [
> last-face/action last-face last-face/data
> ]
> if ready-to-continue? [quit]
> ][event]
> ]
> ]
> ]
> I'm interested though if others have a better solution. In particular I'm
> unsure of if I should use insert-event-func or code a detect function.
> Probably ends up the same.
Not all the same. There is slight difference. Detect function is defined in face
level, so it means you would have to code your detect for all your windows
(faces) separately ... while insert-event-func imo inserts your function
directly at the top of the tree, so events coming from all faces are checked
thru your function. This way is usefull for debugging imo, as without a change
of app you can "install" event checking functions and monitor what is happening