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[REBOL] Re: Rebol Server Pages

From: al:bri:xtra at: 9-Oct-2002 16:31

Doug wrote:
> Can you provide some examples of how you use it?
At the moment, I'm not using it. :( I just wrote it to show that it's possible to do what pekr needs without having to do the excess work that pekr seems to want to do. :) Here's an example .rsp: <html> <head> <title>{{Test}</title> </head> <body> <%hide [ Data: [ "L1 Foo Stuff" "L1 Bar Stuff" "L2 Foo Stuff" "L2 Bar Stuff" ] ]%> <h1>Test</h1> <% random/seed now either random true [ %> Have a <b>nice</b> day! <% ] [ %> Have a <b>lousy</b> day! <% ] %><br/> The date and time now is: <% now %>.<br/> <table> <tr><th>Foo</th><th>Bar</th></tr> <%map Data func [Foo Bar] [reform [%><tr><td><%Foo%></td><td><%Bar%></td></tr><%]]%> </table> </body> </html> And here's my test script: write %Test.html probe RSP read %Test.rsp browse %Test.html halt Using it with a web server would be specific to that web server. On Xitami, I'd put a line at the top of the .rsp file, like this: #! C:\Rebol\Base\Rebol.exe -cs "RSP Test.rsp" Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169