[REBOL] Panel problems with finding index.r files
From: raimund::swol::de at: 25-Feb-2001 9:51
if I start rebol from my home directory and press on the local button I get
the following error message:
To view locale files, you will need to create an index.r in your home
directory. Within this index.r file put the names of the files that you would
like to access. Information about the index.r file can be found under
REBOL.com docs directory.
Your current home directory is: /home/raimund/Development/rebol/
But I do have an index.r file in this directory:
[raimund--linux]:~/Development/rebol > pwd
[raimund--linux]:~/Development/rebol > ls i*
If I start the panel from the Development/rebol directory, the locale button
works as expected. Is this known behaviour?
Another question: Is the number of items in the index.r file limited? At
least the number of items the panel shows is limited, or not?