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[REBOL] Re: Rebol Product Suggestion.

From: agem:crosswinds at: 25-Jun-2001 2:01

RE: [REBOL] Re: Rebol Product Suggestion. [g--santilli--tiscalinet--it] wrote:
> Hello Joel! > > On 24-Giu-01, you wrote: >
> JN> ply: func [print [series!] = [string! char!] /local > JN> probe word? ] [ probe: copy word?: "" foreach to > JN> print [ repend probe [ word? to ] word?: = ] probe ] > > This is nice, too. But I'm afraid it would be almost impossible to > do automatically... (as you point out, too) >
[REBOL [ title: "translate rebol-scripts to another language" content: true file: %trans3.r comment: { had a quick look on hd, not sure what this is ;-) feature: translates words in pathes too, so this/that would go dies/das . based on Carls %clean-script.r PROTOTYP, own risks and that! ;-) } ] script-cleaner: make object! [ a: none to-type: func [t w] [ do load mold compose/deep [to (type? :t) first [(:w)]] ] any-path?: func [s] [ any [path? :s set-path? :s lit-path? :s] ] deutsch: make hash! [ ;rebol = any-word? ein-wort? any manche append ha&ng-an change a&ndere clear sa&ubere compose stelle-zusammen copy kopiere deep tief difference unterschied do tue does tut either entscheide emit gib-aus end text-ende first erstes forall *jeder forskip *gruppiert found? gefunden? func rezept hash schnellfinder head anfang if wenn last letztes load lade mold rebol-text newline neue-zeile next danach parse analysiere pick nimm-nr remove entferne-an set setze select wa&hle-aus skip u&berspringe some einige sort sortiere tail ende thru durch to zu true richtig unique ohne-doppelte ;meins a a new neu value wert ] forskip deutsch 2 [change deutsch to string! first deutsch] deutsch: head deutsch words: copy [] w: func [w /local e o] [ append words to word! :w e: select deutsch to string! to word! :w either e [to-type :w :e] [:w] ] out: none ; output text spaced: off ; add extra bracket spacing indent: "" ; holds indentation tabs emit-line: func [] [append out newline] emit-space: func [pos] [ append out either newline = last out [indent] [ pick [#" " ""] found? any [ spaced not any [find "[(" last out find ")]" first pos] ] ] ] emit: func [from to] [emit-space from append out copy/part from to] set 'clean-script func [ "Returns new script text with standard spacing." script "Original Script text" /spacey "Optional spaces near brackets and parens" /local str new ] [ spaced: found? spacey out: append clear copy script newline parse script blk-rule: [ some [ str: newline (emit-line) | #";" [thru newline | to end] new: (emit str new) | [#"[" | #"("] (emit str 1 append indent tab) blk-rule | [#"]" | #")"] (remove indent emit str 1) | skip (set [value new] load/next str any [ if any-word? :value [emit a: mold w :value tail a true] if any-path? :value [ forall value [if any-word? value/1 [value/1: w value/1]] value: head :value emit a: mold :value tail a true ] do [emit str new] ] ) :new ] ] remove out ; remove first char ] dump: does [ probe sort unique script-cleaner/words a: copy [] forskip deutsch 2 [append a to word! deutsch/1] deutsch: head deutsch probe sort exclude words a ] ] ? 123 save f: system/script/header/file load/header system/script/header/content print example: clean-script read f ;script-cleaner/dump ]
> Regards, > Gabriele.
;-) Volker