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[REBOL] ENOUGH already Re:

From: webdev:accglobal at: 25-Sep-2000 1:21

You read my mind! SNR is definitely swinging into the negative numbers. All things being equal I would like to take this opportunity to express my humble gratitude to those that have answered my questions (as well as those of others) so expeditiously and with such charity. On the flip side... Although some of you are perhaps very clever and capable individuals I think you are pissing in the wind. Such pursuits have their own cathartic merits, but might I mention the rest of us are getting little wet about now. And no doubt we all have heard the familiar chant that "If wishes were horses beggars would ride". And perhaps if Jules Verne were an engineer rather than a visionary writer he would have hung himself out of frustration, attempting to cobble his dreams in the wrong century. Any fool can turn a house into a pile of stones but its far rarer to find a man who can turn a pile of stones into a house. If Carl and company can build a house then the least we can do is mix the mortar without too much water and sand. Need I say more? I remain respectfully yours, [webdev--accglobal--net]