[REBOL] Re: What language am I looking for?
From: mtalbert:ebicom at: 17-May-2001 22:57
Ken, I am so new to Rebol, I am not even sure what it is, but your battle of
the semantics of discovery and criticism fascinate me since by profession I
deal in not the meaning of words, but the meaness of words. Every word has
two sets of definitions in a dialogue: the set of the speaker; and the set
of the listener, and unlike the rhetoric of a program either economic or
profligate as a microsoft update, their precision is non-existent.
comment ["criticism"] contructive
does not yield a cut and dried structure. Indeed the reciving communicant
can actully receive the communication in his own processing unit as:
beware ["asshole"] flatus
THere is no CCCC+++ in interhuman interpretation of commentary, it is analog
not digital, and results are generated by self-programming software open to