[REBOL] Re: Q: get key stroke in the console
From: gscottjones:mchsi at: 30-Jan-2003 5:31
From: "Tom Conlin"
> Hi Greg
> it is a good step in the right direction
> but I will still need to figure out how
> to make the key press not block
> untill a return is entered
> I want the script to carry on after each key as it it
> had been followed with a return
Hi, Tom,
Variation on the theme:
c: open/binary/no-wait [scheme: 'console]
;set following to whatever you wish
;intentionally slow at 2 secs so you can "see" the effect
wait-duration: :0:2
d: 0
forever [
if not none? wait/all [c wait-duration] [
print to-char to-integer copy c
d: d + 1 ;let's do other stuff
print d
You can later change the duration to much faster, like :0:0.1 or smaller.
--Scott Jones