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[REBOL] [] Recent changes

From: rebol:rebol at: 28-Nov-2005 2:54

[REBOL] [] Recent changes This is an automatic email from, the REBOL Script Library to notify you of recent changes to the Library. =======changes======= case.r --change: new script --title: CASE multiple conditional function --owners: cmdicely --author: Christopher M. Dicely --purpose: Provide a generalized multiple conditional function for situations that would otherwise call for deeply nested EITHER blocks. CASE is more general than SWITCH because the conditions can be any DO-able block rather than being based on a single value. This [...] --url: email-check.r --change: new script --change: discussion post(s) made --title: SMTP challenger --owners: gchiu --author: Graham Chiu --purpose: Issues an smtp challenge to see if recipient email address exists. Some mail servers will respond okay anyway to protect users from spammers. --url: http-tools.r --change: discussion post(s) made --title: Http tools --owners: gchiu --author: Graham Chiu --purpose: To grab cookies from the server and post form data. --url: the-blue-clock.r --change: new script --title: Time --owners: rvdzee --author: R. v.d.Zee --purpose: This script is a demonstration of an analog clock & of a clock movement. --url: =======additional information======= new and updated scripts: recent discussion: =======end======= --The Library People --28-Nov-2005