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[REBOL] Re: x: :y question

From: lmecir:mbox:vol:cz at: 4-Feb-2003 11:39

Ahoj Bolku, <<Bolek>> I had an idea: I need to sroll some face up or down, left or right depending on some value. I can use something like: either x < 0 [a: a + 1][a: a - 1] so I thought I can make it more REBOLish ;), something like: op: either x < 0 [:+][:-] a: a op 1 This does not work, OK. <</Bolek>> Prefix versions work OK, see this: a: do either x < 0 [:add] [:subtract] a 1 <<Bolek>> But Joel, what does mean your:
>> (+ 1 2)
== 3 ? I can't reproduce it, for me, it's always
>> (+ 1 2) >>
(nothing happens, because type? (+ 1 2) is op!) <</Bolek>> This is probably a bug in the latest beta, before the operators worked as prefix. HTH -L