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[REBOL] Creating a list, writing it in a file

From: richard:coffre:francetelecom at: 11-Apr-2002 10:48

Hi, Reading lines in a file, I want to create a list which each item is a line, e.g. : foo azer redc ertg => routines: ["foo" "azer" "redc" "ertg"] Currently I use "append" as follows : append routines ligne But I have something with no spaces between the items, therefore when I sort the serie it is an character sorting and I obtain something like acdeeefgoorrrrtz while I want ["azer" "ertg" "foo" "redc"] At the end to copy it in a file, can I use the following instruction forall routines [write/append/lines output first routins] TIA Richard Coffre France Telecom Orbiscom T=E9l. : 01 47 61 46 28