[REBOL] Re: Don't understand "try" and "disarm"
From: gabriele:colellachiara at: 15-Mar-2006 22:22
Hi Jeff,
On Wednesday, March 15, 2006, 6:51:58 PM, you wrote:
JM> One important concept that REBOL can simulate, but doesn't have
JM> intrinsically, that I miss from Lisp is that of keywords. Keywords (in Lisp)
JM> are symbols that are bound to themselves. This is used for many things, but
JM> most commonly for enumerated values.
I'm not a Lisp expert... how much are Lisp's keywords different
>> keyword: 'keyword
== keyword
>> keyword
== keyword
Anyway, this thread might be helpful:
Gabriele Santilli <gabriele-rebol.com> --- http://www.rebol.com/
Colella Chiara software division --- http://www.colellachiara.com/