[REBOL] REBOL : Pure OOP project ?
From: chrismorency::videotron::ca at: 7-Apr-2002 17:00
Considering the low number of replies I got from the list regarding this
thread : Class object inheritance library interest ? and the interest shown
in the Business object versionning thread. I begin to think that either
Rebolers are not interested in almost pure OOP with REBOL or that interest
is only limited to one's personal project...
For the past few months, I've been thinking about several implementation of
class object inheritance.
I currently have one implementation : a rebol object that implements
inheritance through a library of func.
I have another implementation in mind : one with the classic
smalltalk80-like object/behavior/class inheritance where all would be
implemented in base objects but would be inherited.
But both of the above use current datatypes/functions of Rebol. So it would
not be pure-like objects.
My latest "favourite" implementation would be to completely embed
datatypes/functions in objects. ie all object methods would be instances of
class Methods etc... String class would provide behavior to an embedded
value of datatype String!. etc... but would require more
path/getters/setters etc.
I can understand that some people here are not interested in that. They may
be quite satisfied with the Self-like inheritance model of Rebol ! But I
would like to have the ability to change the behavior of objects by changing
their classes, and save memory by implementing a function once instead of
copying it everywhere. Even have a versionning system.
This all started 4 months ago when I was about to do a project in Rebol. But
I knew I needed better OO for this project... This project has not started
yet and I wish it did.
Again, anybody interested ? Cuz otherwise, maybe I'll be doing like everyone
else and go with what RT decided for me and use the current Object!