[REBOL] protecting an element in Block!
From: sharriff:aina:med-iq at: 6-Nov-2000 11:28
I´m using blocks as databses in my app. Can anyone tell me how to protect
certain values in the blocks?
admin [
admin "Sharriff Aina
email "[sharriff--aina--med-iq--de]"
user1 [
user1 "Userfirstname Userlastname"
email "[userfirstname--userlastname--med-iq--de]"
I have written a script that "Removes" the user block from a CGI generated
XHTML form, I would like to protect (write protect) the "Admin" block
somehow without much complication.
Sharriff Aina
med.iq information & quality in healthcare AG