[REBOL] Re: Highfun
From: lmecir:mbox:vol:cz at: 19-Nov-2001 21:09
Hi Gregg,
yes, LOCALS? returns a block containing all words that can be found in the
local context of the function. Because refinements can be used as local
words too, they are included. What I mainly wanted was you to try if the new
/N refinement of APPLY works as you expect it to. I suppose you did. Thanks
for helping.
<< a new version of http://www.sweb.cz/LMecir/highfun.r is available. It
contains a new LOCALS? function and a generalized version of the APPLY
function. (To Gregg: could you test it, please?) >>
Just took a quick run at LOCALS? and wanted to confirm the results. It is
expected to return all parameters, refinements, and local words as words
because of how you're using it in APPLY, correct?
>> locals? func [a b /local c d] []
== [a b local c d]
>> locals? func [a b /r /local c d] []
== [a b r local c d]