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[REBOL] XML Parsing...

From: eventi:nyic at: 26-Oct-2000 13:18

I'm by no means an expert, but here's something I've been playing with: REBOL[] ;; utility stuff tablevel: 0 inc: func [ 'var ] [ set var add 1 get var ] dec: func [ 'var ] [ set var subtract get var 1 ] indent: does [ repeat junk tablevel [ prin "^-" ] ] xml-parser: make object! [ handled: make block! 10 dispatch: func [ tagname attribute-list contents ] [ ; print rejoin [ "Dispaching " tagname ] do get select handled tagname attribute-list contents ] start: stop: none parse: func [ xml ] [ start do-block xml stop ] do-block: func [ xml [block!] /local tagname attribute-list contents name value element ][ foreach [tagname attribute-list contents] xml [ either find handled tagname [ dispatch tagname attribute-list contents ][ ;; This part handles the unhandlable ;; Remove the comments, and it'll print the XML back out ; indent prin rejoin ["<" tagname] ; inc tablevel if attribute-list [ foreach [name value] attribute-list [ ; prin rejoin [" " name {="} value {"}] ] ] either contents [ ; print ">" foreach element contents [ either equal? type? element block! [ do-block element ][ ; indent print element ] ] ; dec tablevel ; indent print rejoin ["</" tagname ">"] ] [ ; dec tablevel ; indent print " />" ] ] ] ] ] ;; Here's an example: parses a page from, and makes it into link soup html: make string! "" emit: func [ what ] [ append html what ] article: make object! [ headline: time: url: none ] do-headline: func [attribute-list contents] [article/headline: copy contents] do-url: func [attribute-list contents] [article/url: copy contents] do-time: func [attribute-list contents] [article/time: copy contents] article-parser: make xml-parser [ handled: [ "headline_text" 'do-headline "url" 'do-url "harvest_time" 'do-time ] ] do-article: func [attribute-list contents] [ foreach element contents [ either equal? type? element block! [ article-parser/parse element ][ ; indent print element ] ] emit rejoin [ {<a href="} article/url {">} article/headline </a> article/time <br> ] ] moreover-parser: make xml-parser [ start: does [ emit [ <html> <body> ] ] stop: does [ emit [ </body> </html> ] ] handled: [ "article" 'do-article ] ] ;; You have to be a big fan of's webboards to appreciate this link. ;; "This is not a toy to be trifled with by children like you!" moreover-parser/parse parse-xml read print html